State of Maryland to be part of the distribution chain for PPE items

Background/Facts: During a meeting with Winnie and Ralph, the Viral (“Clean”) owners, and you, the owners asked several questions about their potential liability for on-the-job accidents resulting in injuries to employees. They particularly need an explanation about Maryland’s workers’ compensation law.

Winnie and Ralph asked you to respond to the following situation.

Clean secures a contract with the State of Maryland to be part of the distribution chain for PPE items. Negotiations for the contract and conversations about the contract stressed that “speed is of the essence,” especially in the critical transfer points like the warehouses and substations. Clean hired Maryland Helpers, a licensed and insured provider of manual laborers to assist with the movement of PPE items and loading of delivery vehicles at both the warehouse and several distribution centers. On Friday afternoon, one of the Clean supervisors was assisting with the loading of masks and respirators when the strappings on the pallet broke, and several respirators fell. The supervisor, Thomas Benson, suffered several broken bones in his foot that would require surgery and several weeks of physical therapy over approximately eight weeks of absence from work. One of the contract employees, Sarah Carter, severely sprained her ankle to get out of the way. She received several x-rays and stayed overnight at the hospital for observation. The treating physician said Sarah should attend physical therapy for four weeks but should otherwise reframe from walking (including work) for at least two weeks.

1. Analyze whether Thomas can recover his medical expenses under Maryland’s workers’ compensation law.

2. Analyze whether Sarah can recover her medical expenses under Maryland’s workers’ compensation law

Sample Solution

Maryland`s Workers’ Compensation Law provides a way for employees who are injured on the job to receive payment for lost wages and medical expenses related to the injury. Almost every Maryland employer is required to have workers` compensation insurance to pay the cost of employee injury. Under the law, compensation does not rely on anyone being at fault. Therefore, in most cases, injured employees cannot sue employers for damages. Not every accident or illness on the job is eligible for compensation. Employees are eligible for compensation when the injury “arises out of and in the course of employment.” This means that the injury has to: occur because of conditions required by the employer for doing the job and, when the employee is doing the job.

Research is a nitty gritty investigation of a particular issue utilizing different exploration techniques and instruments. It is a base or an establishment for making or creating items, administrations, frameworks, and so on. It centers around grasping client assumptions, needs, needs, conduct, and furthermore analytical methodologies. It assists with investigating the information and data methodicallly. Two sorts of examination are Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. Subjective examination helps in perceiving the qualities of an assistance or an item by talking people and gathering conversations. Quantitative examination helps in breaking down these qualities as statical examination by making reviews and polls. There are various apparatuses for leading exploration, for example, Competitor Study, SWOT Analysis, Case and Site Studies, and so on. Each examination device empowers us to accomplish various objectives.

The plan ought to be founded on current realities, and not suppositions, and doing intensive exploration empowers you to get the real factors to be considered while planning an answer. Research likewise assists with zeroing in on the contenders and the current exercises and the most recent plan patterns in the plan business. It means a lot to research to take care of the requirements of the end-clients. Research makes the plan cycle more effective which helps in planning an improved arrangement. Research assists place with peopling (main interest group) at the focal point of the plan cycle and the plan arrangement.

Research in Design is significant as it assists with getting effectiveness and dependability, directs the entire cycle in the correct course, and furthermore guarantees project time plan. Research likewise assists in setting with centering and clearness that can permit a planner to definitively center around the right contributor to the issue. It gives a spot on and right comprehension of individuals for whom the plan is being made. It assists with building compassion. Research in Design Management is a magnificent procedure to find out about the clients, market, client’s assumptions, rivalry, and the business. Exploration can give an undeniably more comprehension of long haul plan system, expanding the possibilities making an effective item/arrangement that the clients will cherish. Research in plan the board is significant in light of the fact that it diminishes the questions in the plan cycle and permits the entire group to zero in on making the most ideal arrangement which is simple and pleasurable to use for the crowd.

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