tch the following vocabulary words in the table below with the corresponding definitions.
Slope Histogram of the residuals
Correlation Coefficient (r)
Contingency Table
Conditional Percentage (Conditional Proportion)
Explanatory Variable Scatterplot R-squared
Response Variable Sampling Variability Significance Level Type II Error
Standard Deviation of the Residual Errors
Quantitative Data y-intercept Categorical Data
Critical Value Regression Regression Line Census
Type I Error Residual Correlation Beta Level
Marginal Percentage (Marginal Proportion)
Residual Plot P-value Joint Percentage (Joint Proportion)
a. A number we compare our test statistic to in order to determine significance. In a sampling
distribution or a theoretical distribution approximating the sampling distribution, the critical
value shows us where the tail or tails are. The test statistic must fall in the tail to be significant.
b. Also called the Alpha Level. If the P-value is lower than this number, then the sample data
significantly disagrees with the null hypothesis and is unlikely to have happened by random
chance. This is also the probability of making a type 1 error.
c. A percentage or proportion involving two variables being true about the person or object, but
does not have a condition. There are generally two types (AND, OR).
d. The vertical distance between the regression line and a point in the scatterplot.
e. Statistical analysis that determines if there is a relationship between two different quantitative
f. When biased sample data leads you to support the alternative hypothesis when the alternative
hypothesis is actually wrong in the population.
g. A graph for visualizing the relationship between two quantitative ordered pair variables. The
ordered pairs (𝑥, 𝑦) are plotted on the rectangular coordinate system.
h. Data in the form of numbers that measure or count something. They usually have units and
taking an average makes sense.
i. Also called the line of best fit or the line of least squares. This line minimizes the vertical
distances between it and all the points in the scatterplot.
j. Collecting data from everyone in a population.
k. Statistical analysis that involves finding the line or model that best fits a quantitative
relationship, using the model to make predictions, and analyzing error in those predictions.
l. The probability of getting the sample data or more extreme because of sampling variability (by
random chance) if the null hypothesis is true.
he Constitution of India was ordered on January 26, 1950. Here the ladies of the nation held low degree of acknowledgment. The social state of the ladies in India was poor and subsequently it required a quick change. Ladies were tormented genuinely as well as intellectually in the early times. By then of time, ladies needed regulations and reorganizations for the improvement in their social position and to guarantee their security against mental and actual torment. Around then, Dr. B.R Ambedkar ,creator of our Constitution of India, made different productive strides for ladies to make them socially solid and a progressive change is being seen in present time.
It is unexpected to comprehend the way that ladies in India are loved and alluded to as ‘shakti’ but they are abused. In prior times, ladies were not given schooling and hence they were reliant upon the men of their home for their everyday requirements and different fundamentals for their endurance. It is laid out that the training of ladies assumes a critical part in increasing the expectations of living in our country. A proficient ladies is remembered to work on the expectations for everyday comforts of life, both at work environment as well as at homes. An informed lady would empower and advance teaching her youngsters, be it a male or female kid which would additionally help in the improvement of society as well as the country.
Yet, the situation with ladies has certainly changed in the cutting edge times and has raised towards the improvement of their social circumstances. Today, the ladies in India are taught and procure their own occupation. The essential distinction being that ladies need to bear twofold liability in contrast with the men in the general public. Ladies work outside the house to procure for a superior residing as well as bears the obligation regarding all the family errands. Indeed, even in the wake of investing such a lot of energy ,both at work environment as