Statistics Analysis


Although analyzing statistical data can be challenging, it is equally challenging to convert these data into a
written format. Therefore, in this activity, you will practice the important skill of data analysis and presenting
statistical information in a written format. Using the provided datasets of offenses reported, calculate the mean,
median, mode, max, min, and range for each of the crimes. The list of crimes includes violent crime total,
murder and non-negligent manslaughter, legacy rape, revised rape, robbery, aggravated assault, property
crime total, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.
The specific steps are as follows:
Download 1 of the following datasets of offenses from the Uniform Crime Report:
Accomack County Sheriff’s Office
Honolulu Police Department
Los Angeles Police Department
Calculate the mean, median, mode, max, min, and range for each of the following:
Violent crime total
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
Legacy rape
Revised rape
Aggravated assault
Property crime total
Motor vehicle theft
Write 1 paragraph for each of the crimes, where you present the statistical results to the reader in a written
U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics. (2017).
Welcome to a new way to access UCR statistics. Retrieved from



Sample Solution

Nontraditional health care practices

This field includes the more mainstream and accepted forms of therapy, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and oriental practices. These therapies have been practiced for centuries worldwide.  Many cultures support non-traditional healthcare practices. An example of a culture that still practice nontraditional health care practices is Native America. They use herbs, manipulative therapies, ceremonies, and prayer in various combination to prevent and treat illness. Nontraditional health care practices are important as many people find the benefits of meditation and other practices good for their health as it relieves pain and stress. People seek out these alternatives because they are dissatisfied in some way with conventional treatment, and they see alternative treatments as offering more personal autonomy and control over healthcare decisions. How you feel plays a part in how you cope.

that  ICT has had a significant impact on economic growth of Nigeria and the world as a whole.

The telecommunication sector in Nigeria for over 14 years been amongst the major source or the major attraction of foreign direct investment, this foreign direct investment has not only helped in boosting the growth and development of the telecom sector in Nigeria, but it has also had a significant impact on economic growth in the whole of the country. Other sectors of the country benefited from the mobile telecom sector in many ways. Let’s take the banking sector for example: When electronic banking were introduced it marked for the don of a new era. Electronic banking described as the process of carrying out the business transaction of a bank using various electronic devices. Examples of electronic devices used include Computer Systems, Sophisticated Mobile phones, Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Internet enabled facilities, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Smart Cards (Olowatolani, Joshua & Philip, 2011). Mobile banking is also originating from the electronic banking, is an ICT application made for phones, and used for running business transactions from any location in the country. Which according to Felix, Omolola and Irwin (2011) the multiple and diversified society in Nigeria influenced the use of this new banking system and creating room for further development. When we also mention the Health sector in Nigeria, you will also find that ICT in many ways has helped in the improvement of the sector. Now people can easily get health tips via message, people can even diagnose their health status, and women could also check their pregnancy status with new mobile applications. All this and many more made the sector to improve. If we go the Educational sector, students and lecturers now have easy assessed to all sort of information via the internet. Unlike the old days where people went to the  Library to access information. ICT, through the mobile telecommunication sector, has built a lot of infrastructures as more and more investor’s troop into the country, it has also created a lot of jobs and employment both for skilled and unskilled workers. In general is has helped to raise the standard of living the country. Despite all the positive impacts that ICT and the telecom sector has had in Nigeria, there has also been some negative side or aspect of things such as Exam malpractices with a mobile device, Immorality due to easy access to pornography videos, and a negative change of social interaction and behaviours due to social apps. All this goes to say that in a country like Nigeria where the population of the poor is highly greater than that of the rich, ICT with all it positive advantages can serve as a means of bridging the huge gap between th

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