Statue of Liberty

How and why this site became a tourist site, who visited it in the past and who visits it now (to the degree you
can identify the visitors or types of visitors), literature and stories about your site. Why is this site significant ?
What is the historical background of this site?

Sample Solution

ot in every case clearly, e.g., Harran, Sirmak, Fatima, Kismid; Mosyr itself gives off an impression of being taken from Ukrainian, despite the fact that there may likewise be echoes of Mosul, which would bode well from the perspective of topography. Forty deciphered concentrates of changing length are given beneath to illustrative purposes, and discourse. Remark commendable things inside these concentrates will be bolded, and notes will be given in square sections under each concentrate.

The transposition of BGW to the ME is left genuinely obscure (see Nos. 1; 6; 9; 10; 16; 21).13 Many of the progressions basically include omissions,14 including some alluding to Mosyr itself (e.g., Nos. 24; 28). BLJ either leaves Lovitzna anonymous, cf. 15; 16; 17; 18; 20; 25; 28; 29; 30; 31; 32; 34; 35; 37; 38; 39, or essentially alludes to it as “nepřítel/nepřátelsk-“, Nos. 8; 14; 22; 27; 29; 37, now and then when the two co-happen in a similar section in BGW. Twice it is meant by “za hranice[mi] (Nos. 7; 26)”, or is disregarded in some other way (e.g., No. 34), despite the fact that its capital, Shavros (Sirmak), is deciphered on almost every event it happens in BGW (for example No. 18, and so on., however observe likewise No. 32). Shockingly, references to Britain are likewise totally precluded, rather than, e.g., Biggles in Africa (Biggles v Africe), but for clear reasons now and again, cf., 2, 3, 13, 14, 18, 25, 40, even two angled references to WW1 from the British perspective (Nos. 5 and 34).



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