Stock Dividends

Smoky Joe’s, Inc., a rapidly growing chain of BBQ restaurants, has had considerable increases in the value of their common stock over the years. Normally, the Board of

Directors declares a modest cash dividend. But this year, they decided to issue a 50% stock dividend. Your friend, a new investor that saw potential in the company

early on, came to you excited about the news, saying that he is getting free stock and that this is much better than the cash dividends from last year. Using what you

have learned in accounting thus far, respond to your friend’s statement including the following points:

What does a 50% stock dividend really mean?
Is your friend really getting “free stock”?
Which would you prefer, a cash dividend or a stock dividend?

Stock Dividends
A stock dividend is the issuance by a corporation of its common stock to shareholders without any consideration. If the company issues a 50% stock dividend, this increases the number of shares outstanding to 15 million shares. The board will now have to authorize more shares before the company can issue any additional stock. In short, any advantages of using a stock dividend are minor. A company usually issues a stock dividend when it does not have the cash available to issue a normal cash dividend, but still wants to give the appearance of having issued a payment to investors. Stock dividends are thought to be superior to cash dividends as long as they are not accompanied by a cash option. One of the best reasons for giving a stock dividend instead of a cash dividend is that in giving a stock dividend, a company and its shareholders forge psychological stronger links, with the investor owning more of the company with the additional shares.

The officials, including Chairman of the Board Wally Womper, are trusting that Finch will turn in his abdication. Finch reveals to Rosemary that he will most likely come back to washing windows, however Rosemary guarantees him that she will at present love him regardless (“I Believe in You (Reprise)”). Bud shows up to take Finch to the workplace. Similarly as Finch is going to sign his letter of renunciation, uncovers to the administrators that he was in reality a window washer before going to the organization. Womper is attracted to Finch as he, as well, was a window washer. Finch skilfully accuses the fortune chase for Frump, likewise referencing to Womper that Frump is Biggley’s nephew. Womper is going to fire all the administrators when Finch steps in for everybody’s benefit, disclosing to Finch him that despite the fact that the business world is a spot loaded up with disloyalty and seriousness, the World Wide Wicket staff resembles a family to him (“Brotherhood of Man”). All the administrators are saved, Bud Frump, be that as it may, is terminated.

Biggley remains leader of the organization, Womper resigns to venture to the far corners of the planet with his new spouse, Hedy, and Finch turns into the new Chairman of the Board. Rosemary remains close by and motivates him to become President of the United States. Slob finds a new line of work as a window washer, swearing vengeance against Finch and perusing How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (“Finale”).

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A great part of the logical research of Shostakovich’s works during the period of the Second World War has concentrated essentially on his ensembles made right now. The examination done pinpoints numerous particular sections inside his ensembles that show how he fought the Russian State and explicitly Joseph Stalin. I will concentrate my examination on the strategies for dissent, patriotism and energy that are found in Shostakovich’s Symphony No.5 and Symphony No.7. What are probably the most widely recognized techniques for encryption that Shostakovich used to show his scorn for the Stalin Regime? What attributes do these pieces share? How could he bring out the sentiments of energy and patriotism in these two works while as yet communicating the anguish and constraint of the Russian individuals? How did outer variables impact the translation of these works?

It is essential to comprehend the cutoff points put on melodic creation during the hour of the Stalin Regime so as to examine the techniques utilized by Shostakovich to communicate his independence yet adjust to satisfactory Party measures.

Stalin didn’t bolster whatever looked like Western culture since he trusted it didn’t concur with the socialist way of thinking. At a certain point in Soviet Russia, there existed a gathering considered the Association of Contemporary Musicians that was expert West and ground breaking. This gathering in the long run become undesirable with the Party and was at last supplanted with another gathering in 1932 called the Union of Soviet Composers. As the author associations advanced in the Stalin Era, they impacted what was viewed as worthy music by the Party

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