Stock market

The stock market is down for the year. If you could buy one stock, what would it be and why would you buy it in this volatile market?

different behaviors (figure 1, appendix 2). Besides that, I also get a chance to use the VINCI device (figure 2) which is used for unsteady state process to get knowledge in how to determine several parameters in more accurate way such as porosity, permeability, pore volume, and bulk volume by sitting the pressure.

Moreover, the instrument calculate the pore volume and porosity by using the ideal gas law, also the pressure applied to the core is generated by high accurate hydraulic pump.
Nevertheless, in the same week I worked using DGP device (figure 3) which is specific for permeability measurement. The main factor of permeability is Darcy law (appendix 1), the important parameters of Darcy law are volume flow rate, viscosity, length, pressure difference, and area. Before starting the measurement of permeability we should determine the length and diameter of the samples in order to get the Area by using Fractional Caliper device.


During the third week of training, I have been placed in SCAl section. This section is responsible for measuring the Formation resistivity factor (capillary pressure), permeability of fluids (K_W), MICP, and CT scan
I stared the third week by measuring the permeability of fluids (K_W) this process is done by particular device which called PCRI, by using this device we can set the value of volumetric flow rate until we get satiable value of pressure with constant temperature. On the other hand, the viscosity of the fluids is measure using the Viscometer. After that Darcy law is applied to calculate the value of permeability. The Darcy law has certain limitations which have to be considered for example laminar flow, and homogenous. The idea behind this process is to determine the water and oil initial saturation.
Similarly, during the same week I also get a chance to work in MICP (mercury injection and capillary pressure), this task deal with high and low pressure (figure 2, appendix 2) also using the Archimedes principle which state that the body immersed in a fluid and buoyed up by a force. In order to get the whole volume of the sample using mercury, this process is used with a small size of samples.

Nevertheless, CT scan also was one of the tasks that assigned to me while working in SCAL section. The task include making videos of core sample, analyze the fractures, and the flow of fluids.

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