Strategic Management And Leader Innovation


A DNP-prepared nurse can be more involved in strategic management decisions by aiding in the design of change plans and facilitating the inclusion and involvement of all stakeholders. DNP nurses can foster collaboration by modeling respect, transparency and establishing a clear pathway to achieve success (Rundio & Wilson, 2015). Change without a plan for ongoing engagement may result in regression to previous sub-par practices without widespread buy-in from the bedside nurses (Zaccagnini, 2015). Nurses are natural strategists as they identify, prioritize and implement complex plans of care for multiple patients with diverse needs, but nurses do not always recognize that they possess these skills. The DNP can build on this foundation and develop executive and collaborative skills that can navigate through a maze of obstacles to find an equitable solution for all that will advance the cause of health promotion.

The DNP nurse brings the combination of clinical expertise and academic prowess to translate and implement evidence-based interventions (Grove et al., 2015). Since the inception of the Affordable Care Act, healthcare reimbursement has transitioned from a basis of volume to one of quality (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). Subsequently, the focus of healthcare organizations is improving measurable quality outcomes and reducing harm, readmission, fraud, and abuse (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). One strategy for improving and developing a culture of safety is to encourage incident reporting for errors or near misses. Nurses should be encouraged to report all patient care or unit process concerns so that they can be investigated in a non-punitive manner to improve safety (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). Policies and procedures should be in place and subjected to regular review to ensure that they are still consistent with nursing board advisories. The DNP will study the data relating to quality measures and can use this to identify opportunities for process improvements. Once the improvement opportunities are identified, a literature search can provide evidence to support plans for a nursing process improvement. The DNP nurse can review the unit nurse’s standard of care and ensure that no cultural drift away from the best practice occurs.

Sample Solution

One of the major organizational efforts to achieve superior performance and secure competitive advantages is to generate and implement innovative ideas. Accordingly, the influence of strategic leaders on organizational innovation is increasingly drawing research attention. In this study, we review and synthesize research on how strategic leaders (chief executive officers, top management teams, and boards of directors) influence innovation and propose a framework to guide future research on this important topic. We explain how existing theories rely on discretional or architectural mechanisms to explain strategic leaders’ influence on innovation and review how current studies relate strategic leaders to the specific stages of the innovation process.

different kinds of influences that is also why monopolies have two major names: “The Captains of Industry” and “The Robber Barons”. On the one hand the monopolies in the Gilded Age had a really positive effect on the economics of the United States of America, because they made America to a very economically strong nation. In the Documentary Drama “The Men who built America” by Patrick Reams and Ruán Magan it says, how the “five self-made men: Carnegie, Ford, J.P Morgan, Rockefeller and VanderBilt transformed the United States into a global superpower” (The Men Who Built America). The time after the Civil War and the Reconstruction, between 1860s and 1896 is called the Gilded Age. This time area is known for its impressive economic growth and extremely expansions of major cities. For example, Chicago’s population increased ten times between 1870 and 1900. Also, the technological innovations in this time included things like the telephone, the car, the electric lightbulb etc., as well as the advances in steel production and many other industries. The industrial productivity increased a lot. During this time area, the economics of the United States rose in the fastest rate in its history. The extreme-rich industrialists such as Carnegie, J.P. Morgan etc. added a ton of jobs thought out the entire nation with their businesses. They also donated a lot of their private money to charities. Namely, Andrew Carnegie donated over than 90 percent of his property and said, that this was an “upper-class-duty, the Gospel of Wealth” (The Men Who Built America). In this aspect, they were called “The Captains of Industry”.

On the other hand, these super-rich industrialists were labeled as “The Robber Barons” because the public felt that they cheated on the way how they go to their money, and also dictated it over the average citizen. Although they added many jobs in the nation, they also created the wages by themselves. Literally they were so “powerful that it can rule over people like a government” (Meyer, 5). Setting the wages as low as possible resulted to strikes and protests of the workers against the bosses. In documentary drama “The Men Who Built America” it showed the Homestead strike in 1892 in Homestead, Pennsylvania. When the monopolies decrease the wages down an enormous rate, workers of an industry will create labor unions and try to protest against them decreasing their, already low, wages. The decreasing of the wages were so bad, that some workers only earned $5 a week. The Homestead Act in 1892 was between the “Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers” and the “Carnegie Steel Company”. It resulted in that the strikers were defeated and a major setback in the unionization of the steel workers.

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