Strategic Management of Change

Task 1
Apply appropriate course concepts to assess the growth of Cemex. (Approximate word count: 1,000–1,100)
Task 2
Using appropriate course concepts, critically evaluate the strategy used by Cemex to successfully manage their acquisitions. (Approximate word count: 1,200–1,600)
Task 3
Analyse Cemex’s approach to strategic change and consider how their organisational context may impact change. Consider the appropriateness and usefulness of at least one change model. (Approximate word count: 1,400–1,700)
You will need to utilise relevant management models from the course materials and provide supporting evidence from a range of external sources to support your academic argument.

Sample Solution

1.1 Overview of Soft Sediment Communities

Delicate dregs are the most well-known marine living space on earth (Wilson, 1990). The living spaces incorporate sandy shorelines, estuaries, mudflats and salt swamps. The people group comprise of life forms which live on, or in, the base of a water body. There are commonly four kinds of delicate silt networks which can be ordered by their size. They are microbenthos (<0.063 mm), meiobenthos (0.063 – 1.0 mm), macrobenthos (>1.0 mm) and megabenthos (> 10.0 mm).

This investigation is centered around macrofauna, otherwise called macrobenthos. They are spineless creatures that live on or in dregs, or connected to hard substrates. The regular delicate residue networks that can be found in intertidal zones are Annelida, Crustacea and Mollusca (Munari and Mistri, 2008).

Estuarine and waterfront environments comprise of significant segments of macrofauna (Borja et al., 2000). They associate essential producersand natural issue sources, for example, phytoplankton and rubbish separated from being monetarily, biological, and recreationally importantfish and shellfish (Rönnbäck et al., 2007; Bremner, 2008).Soft silt networks give numerous environment benefits that help to keep up great water and residue quality (Rönnbäck et al., 2007).

Channel feeders, for example, bivalves expel particles from the water segment, which may result in improved water lucidity (MacIsaac, 1996). Given the significance of light in shallow water estuarine biological systems, channel sustaining may improve shallow water natural surroundings for submerged oceanic plants and benthic microalgae.

The corruption of certain contaminations is upgraded by residue blending (bioturbation) of the infaunal macrobenthos because of incitement ofmicrobial forms. The upgraded coupling of key nitrogen changes within the sight of benthic macrofauna can prompt the creation of nitrogen gas, which breaks to the environment, along these lines diminishing nitrogen stacking in the biological system.

Macrobenthos have been utilized for a considerable length of time asindicators of natural statusand slants in estuaries and beach front regions in light of the fact that infauna are generally stationary living beings and they react to neighborhood ecological effects (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978; Borja et al., 2000; Wildsmith et al., 2009, 2011). They spread a wide scope of physiological resistances, living positions, sort of sustaining and trophic collaborations (Elliott et al., 2002). Macrobenthic collections react moderately rapidly to territory unsettling influences (Borja et al., 2000). They are significant parts of aquaticfood networks (Rönnbäck et al., 2007)and they influence transport and cycling of supplements and toxicants.

What’s more, there are information on their examples of variety, their reactions to various types of unsettling influence are known and they show comparable reactions at various dimensions of ordered goals (Warwick, 1988). They structure a significant segment of the estuarine sustenance web, supporting business and non-business species. They along these lines speak to a perfect gathering to quantify natural change and will keep on being utilized to speak to a significant organic segment of delicate dregs. Seeing how various segments of benthos react to changes in properties of dregs is in this manner fundamental in deciding how much, assuming any, repetition there is in this framework and how much effects on the silt themselves are endured by the fauna. From this examination unmistakably such investigations need replication at different scales and over various living spaces before any broad reactions will be distinguished.

By knowing the significance of delicate silt networks, the wellbeing and nature of a biological system can be resolved without utilizing any unsafe compound pointers.

1.2 Objectives

The destinations of this venture are:

To explore the bounty and dissemination of delicate residue networks in Tanjung Bungah, Pulau Pinang.

To relate the natural factors with delicate residue networks appropriation and bounty in Penang intertidal territory.

Section 2

Writing REVIEW

2.1 The Ecology of Soft Sediment Communities

Macrofauna make up a huge part of the nourishment web in estuarine biological systems, associating essential makers to top makers and assuming a significant job in framework elements (Herman et al., 1999; Platell et al., 2006). Base macrobenthic networks incorporate an incredible assortment of living beings and by and large countless species and they are very confused (Meire et al., 2005).

In marine macrobenthic living beings, polychaetes is a standout amongst the most huge gatherings and may make up the greater part of the creatures in delicate base environments. They are regularly the prevalent macrobenthic taxon in these silt as far as numbers, both numerically of species and plenitude (Wildsmith et al., 2009, 2011). Polychaetes could thus be great pointers of species wealth and array models in macrobenthic gatherings (Fauchald and Jumars, 1979). Some polychaete species were significantly pioneering and reacted rapidly to natural unsettling influences (Norkko et al., 2006; Wildsmith et al., 2011).

2.2 The Importance of Soft Sediment Communities

Spineless creatures comprise some portion of marine environments and assume significant jobs to help the capacity and steadiness of the natural pecking orders and biological systems whereupon different creatures depend (Snelgrove, 1998). They manage populaces of different living beings (plant and creature) through predation, parasitism and herbivory, and help keep up water quality by sifting a lot of water during bolstering (Ponder et al., 2002). Spineless creatures are straightforwardly engaged with biological system adjustment, shoreline assurance, vitality and supplement move and arrangement of natural surroundings (Ponder et al., 2002). They additionally help in atmosphere adjustment and re-mineralization and assume a significant job in the cycling of supplements, breakdown of plant matter and different rubbish and give environment to different species (Ponder et al., 2002).

2.2.1 Environmental pointer

Individuals from the macrofauna network fill in as helpful organic markers of natural change and key components of numerous marine and estuarine observing projects, because of their stationary ways of life and diminished reactions to ecological changes (Tweedley et al., 2012). Along these lines, the spatial circulation of macrofauna in respect to ecological components is principal to the comprehension of estuarine nature (Herman et al., 1999).

Polychaetes are profitable marine life forms which can endure sullying in light of the fact that they live at the interface of water-dregs (Wildsmith et al., 2009, 2011). This layer is both organically responsive and artificially dynamic (Rhoads and Young, 1970). Polychaetes possess practically all marine and estuarine residue (Fauchald, 1977) and are regularly the prevalent constituent of the macrobenthic networks both as far as people and number of species (Hutchings, 1998; Morin, 1999; Mills, 1969; Rhoads and Young, 1970; Van Hoey et al., 2004; Ward and Hutchings, 1996; Warwick, 1988).

Polychaetes complete a significant job in biological system procedures of macrofauna gatherings, for example, reusing, contamination digestion and in the interment of natural issue (Hutchings, 1998).

2.3 Factors Affecting Soft Sediment Communities

The plenitude and dissemination of delicate silt networks were affected by both biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors, for example, rivalry and predation (Rhoads and Young, 1970) while abiotic considers, for example, variety saltiness, turbidity, silt grain measure, all out natural carbon, and metal tainting, influence estuarine macrofauna (Kinne, 1966; Remane and Schlieper, 1971; McLusky and Elliot, 2004).

2.3.1 Salinity

The impact of saltiness specifically is a significant factor in estuarine macrofaunal assorted variety. For the most part, considers have announced a positive relationship among’s biodiversity and saltiness (Holland et al., 1987; Jorcin, 1999; Ysebaert and Herman, 2002; Gimenez et al., 2005). Since variety in saltiness contrasts as per tidal developments and freshwater contributions to estuaries, the conveyance of macrofauna and the macrobenthic network can vary among dry and blustery seasons.

2.3.2 Sediment Grain Size

In estuaries, saltiness and residue grain size have been observed to be the most significant ecological factors controlling the decent variety and distributional examples of macrofauna (Absalo, 1991; Yoo and Hong, 1996; McLusky and Elliot, 2004). Hong and Yoo (1996) proposed that the molecule size and unsettling influence of the residue may have been the most significant components controlling the macrobenthic network.

Delicate silt networks are abnormal in the rate at which the idea of the physical condition can change (Wilson, 1990). Most sedimentary particles are littler than the inhabitant creatures, infauna (Wilson, 1990). The exercises of the infauna can drastically change the idea of the earth after some time times of hours or days (Wilson, 1990). For example, tunneling infauna may expand the porosity of the silt (Rhoads, 1974).

2.3.3 Total natural carbon

Populace elements of benthic suspension feeders, store feeders and subsurface feeders are known to react distinctively as indicated commonly of data sources, tiny fish or potentially natural sustenance matter (Austen et al., 1991; Beukema et al., 2002). The last two gatherings are less influenced since they use a huge pool of natural issue in the silt, which is always being reused. In tropical locale, Wolanski et al. (1992) speculated that in mangrove marsh or river framework, the flow procedures are exceedingly entangled prompting novel residue transport routines that could thus represent the science and science of the beneficiary water.

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