Strategies for Addressing Questions




In Module 1, you began building a foundation for your success by considering a network-individuals and teams
who can help you to clarify and execute on the vision. A network is most helpful when you are comfortable
asking questions. Chances are other members of your network have experienced similar questions and may
have helped guide others toward resolutions that can now be helpful.
In this Discussion, focus on the questions you are ready to ask as your journey begins. Keep in mind that
sharing questions is often a great way to help others who have similar questions even if they do not realize it!
To prepare:
Reflect on questions or concerns you might have as you begin the MSN program.
Consider the individuals, teams, and departments you previously considered in Module 1 as well as how they
may provide support with addressing these questions and concerns.
Reference:Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in Nursing: Strategies
and Resources for Success [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Sample Solution


My Philosophy

I accept, youngsters are socially and genuinely skilled and capable, with open and spongy personality, inquisitive and inventive nature, fun loving, sure and innovative. As I would see it, an instructor esteems kids as people and keeps up constructive cooperations with guardians and kids. An instructor is responsive, proactive, guide, facilitator and asset individual. I see the learning condition as readied condition furnished with materials appropriate for kids’ ages and needs, tastefully satisfying with play-based learning.

Perspective on a kid

I see a youngster from different points of view. I accept a kid is socially and sincerely able person who retains data from his environment like a wipe and uses this data to make a picture of his general surroundings. As I would see it, a youngster is extraordinary, innovative, creative, energetic and sure who gets the hang of as per his very own desire and at his very own pace.

Social and Emotional Competence

Social competency incorporates social, passionate, psychological and conduct abilities. These abilities are the genuine establishment of future connections and relations. A kid’s enthusiastic aptitudes allude to his capacity to comprehend his own and others’ feelings and emotions. Socially and sincerely dynamic youngster has solid relational abilities among pears, learns utilization of words, constructs jargon, communicates his feelings and advances his confidence and certainty.

As I would see it, socially and sincerely able kid resembles a preschooler offering his nibble to his companions, a kid including his folks in additional roundabout exercises, a young lady inquires as to whether he is alright in the wake of falling on the ground. I accept, social and enthusiastic abilities help kids to develop solid and positive relationship and assistance them to control their mind-sets and practices. Scholars, for example, Vygotsky and Malaguzzi accepted that the social learning guides the psychological improvement of kids (Gandini, 2012). Be that as it may, Vygotsky related the psychological improvement with shifting social and social foundations (Vygotsky, 1993).

Kids resemble wipes

As I would see it, kids resemble wipes. They absorb a gigantic measure of data from their environment and procedure this data to make their very own archive of information. Maria Montessori, in her hypothesis of spongy personality additionally recommended that youngsters gain uniquely in contrast to their surroundings when contrasted with grown-ups (Montessori, 1969). They make their own outline of this world in their minds and expand their insight dependent on this construction, portrayed by scholar Jean (Piaget, 1956). It causes them to gain phonetic abilities, inventiveness, creative mind, feelings, sounds, perspectives and encounters of others alongside social, enthusiastic and intellectual aptitudes. The Montessori Method is likewise founded on the idea of regarding and perceiving the distinction and freedom of kids in learning (Montessori, 2013).

Inventive, Curious and receptive

A youngster is energetic and inventive, rich with certainty and imagination. He doesn’t generally need toys to play. He is innovative to the point that he makes a picture of the universe of his own wherein every one of the characters are an impression of genuine world. For instance, mother and father dealing with their child or mother preparing supper for the entire family.

A youngster is interested and brimming with amazement, constantly prepared to investigate and adapt new things. He is interested about new toys, new condition and new individuals around him. He utilizes his tangible abilities to investigate and recognize obscure articles. Step by step he fortifies his current learning with new encounters to extend his comprehension of the world.

A Personal Experience

Kids take in aptitudes and learning from their environment. I encountered this when I was a housewife and mother of three youngsters. At the point when my third infant was conceived, my other two kids, a little child and a preschooler, watched me and my better half dealing with the infant constantly. They made their own innovative play of dealing with their infant doll like guardians. This play gave them loads of chances to find out about items, activities, sizes, hues and sentiments when discussing the infant with one another. While playing, they figured out how to utilize words, for example, who, what and where. They procure the learning of sustaining, washing and sleep time arrangements. They got the chance to learn names of attire, utensils and body parts. They likewise figured out how to oversee zip and catches of child’s shirts. This demonstrates youngsters learn by copying their enviornment.

Perspective on an Educator

In my view, the job of a teacher is multifaceted. An instructor assumes different jobs, for example, a guide, a facilitator and an asset individual, in early childcare settings. A key trait of a teacher is to be receptive to kids speedily. An able teacher is proactive, warm, responsive and goes about as a guide and facilitator for youngsters. An instructor makes a positive domain rich with chance to learn, investigate and build up an empowering and steady environment for youngsters.

Positive connections with youngsters

An instructor in a childcare setting manufactures positive connections and responsive consideration towards kids by offering a warm and safe condition and by satisfying their physical and enthusiastic needs, as expressed by Vygotsky in his sociocultural way to deal with intellectual learning (Vygotsky, 1978). An instructor tunes in to kids when they express their musings and sentiments. She offers them bolster when they are disappointed in any circumstance. She emphatically reacts to kids’ inquiries in a warm and delicate way, values their distinction and uniqueness, and supports a smooth progress among home and early childcare settings. She interfaces with them equally, builds up a safe association with them and gives a protected domain to their learning. A solid holding among kids and an instructor enables kids to feel included, protected and secure, sure and separately esteemed. This is as per Dr. Jean Clinton who expressed that learning is upheld by warm and responsive association with kids (Clinton, 2013).

An expert encounter

Youngsters and teacher are co-students of learning. Kids couldn’t gain proficiency with every one of the abilities by their own. It is the instructor and the enviornment similarly liable for youngsters’ learning. For instance, when I was working in a childcare with preschoolers, I arranged an action to make playdough with kids. I took help of youngsters to gather every one of the elements for playdough. They brought every one of the pots from their little kitchen zone to set up the table for this action. They all found the spots for them around the table for alternating to blend fixings.

I reported, “we are going to begin the action”. In the first place, I guided them to pour the fixings in a major bowl. When I asked who will begin the action, one of them recommended me to begin first and after that they will pursue. I asked them, “who will place the fixing in the bowl after me?”. One of them said “you can begin from the youngster sitting on your correct side”, and they began alternating. During the blending of fixings, they kept conversing with one another and posed different inquiries like, “what might we blend straightaway?”, “What might be the surface subsequent to blending water?”, “For what reason did we manipulate the playdough toward the end?”. By arranging this action, I got the chance to collaborate with them and they had the option to associate with their friends. They learnt critical thinking abilities by proposing where to begin from. They cross pollinated their insight by sharing thoughts. They fabricated their jargon and improved their language. They obtained the learning of numerous materials and of their utilization. They additionally chipped away at their fine engine aptitudes when blending the playdough. This model shows the idea of six Cs: content correspondence, joint effort, inventive development, basic reasoning, and certainty (Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek, 2016).

Regards uniqueness

In my perspective, a major nature of a decent teacher is to regard kids as able and competent people. A decent instructor accepts that all youngsters merit equivalent chances to learn and develop. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) additionally accentuated on equivalent open doors for each person (WHO, 2012). These open doors incorporate training, sustenance, wellbeing, social consideration and security (Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, 2014). A teacher considers the passionate, physical, social, and scholarly needs of each kid exclusively in supporting his advancement and learning. She watches and tunes in to gain proficiency with the uniqueness of kids. A teacher picks up information of each kid through perceptions and discourses with guardians and utilizations her expert judgment to improve their learning, wellbeing and prosperity. She imparts her insight into each kid to guardians and increases their point of view to show signs of improvement comprehension of the character, abilities and necessities of their youngster. Following the belief system of, “learning with kids, about youngsters and from kids”, an instructor fills in as co-student of information with families and kids (Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years, 2014).

Unprejudiced frame of mind

A skillful instructor accepts that every one of the youngsters merits equivalent chances to play, learn and develop and it is her obligation to satisfy this assignment with no inclination. An instructor is constantly unprejudiced of ethnicity, culture, language, sexual orientation personality, family structure, race and religion. She accepts that all youngsters have equivalent rights to bloom and thrive their capacities. She practices esteems based standards and approach against any predisposition and shamefulness.



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