Strength associated with your communication style.

You have identified an area of development and a strength associated with your
communication style. You have thought about the implication of these for your work as
you move into your career. Now let’s talk about a development plan; a plan for
improving on the weakness and for capitalizing on the strength.
What can you do to help you improve on that weakness you identified while you are
finishing your master degree (in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science major)?
How will you know if you are improving? How can you capitalize on the strength you
identified while you are here? How will this help you in your work?

Sample Solution

Improving on a weakness identified in one’s communication style is an important step to taking when preparing for entering the workforce. In order to capitalize on my strength and develop my weaknesses in communication skills, I plan to take advantage of resources available at my university during my master’s degree in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science major. Here is a development plan I have created which will help me become an effective communicator:

First, I plan to attend seminars or workshops offered by organizations such as Toastmasters International (Toastmasters International, 2021). They offer multiple types of courses that can teach you how to improve your public speaking, networking and presentation skills. These courses are very helpful in improving interpersonal communication between colleagues as well as potential employers. Additionally, having formal training from professional organizations like these can be beneficial for employment opportunities.

Second, I will also take advantage of the internship opportunities available through the university program. Internships provide valuable insight into working environments which allows students to practice their communication skills with real people who possess different perspectives than those we typically encounter within our academic lives (Garicano et al., 2015). This not only aids in developing strong verbal and written communication skills but also teaches us how work collaboratively among diverse groups while maintaining professionalism.

Finally, seeking out mentorship opportunities where possible can be extremely beneficial when it comes to boosting confidence while communicating both inside and outside of the classroom (MentorNet, 2021). Being mentored by professionals who have already achieved success within their chosen field provides access to invaluable advice on topics ranging from career advancement strategies all the way up to proper etiquette for certain events or meetings where there may be more experienced individuals present.

In conclusion, implementing this development plan during the final phase of completing my master’s degree should help me hone my weaknesses in communication while simultaneously capitalizing on areas that are already strengths. With continued effort throughout this process I am confident that these changes will bring about positive results once entering into the workforce after graduation.

Thirdly, Vittola argues that war should be avoided (Begby et al (2006b), Page 332) and that we should proceed circumstances diplomatically. This is supported by the “last resort” stance in Frowe, where war should not be permitted unless all measures to seek diplomacy fails (Frowe (2011), Page 62). This means war shouldn’t be declared until one party has no choice but to declare war, in order to protect its territory and rights, the aim of war. However, we can also argue that the war can never be the last resort, given there is always a way to try to avoid it, like sanctions or appeasement, showing Vittola’s theory is flawed.
Fourthly, Vittola questions upon whose authority can demand a declaration of war, where he implies any commonwealth can go to war, but more importantly, “the prince” where he has “the natural order” according to Augustine, and all authority is given to him. This is further supported by Aristotle’s Politics ((1996), Page 28): ‘a king is the natural superior of his subjects.’ However, he does later emphasise to put all faith in the prince is wrong and has consequences; a thorough examination of the cause of war is required along with the willingness to negotiate rival party (Begby et al (2006b), Page 312& 318). This is supported by the actions of Hitler are deemed unjustly. Also, in today’s world, wars are no longer fought only by states but also non-state actors like Al-Queda and ISIS, showing Vittola’s normative claim on authority is outdated. This is further supported by Frowe’s claim that the leader needs to represent the people’s interests, under legitimate authority, which links on to the fourth condition: Public declaration of war. Agreed with many, there must be an official announcement on a declaration of war (Frowe (2011), Page 59-60&63).

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