Stress Management for Salespeople


Frank Taylor’s automobile dealership has a number of high-achieving salespeople who could be described as extreme Type A personalities. Unfortunately, several of them are experiencing stress-related physical problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and migraine headaches. You have been hired to develop a stress reduction program incorporating both relaxation techniques and exercises that can be utilized by individuals and in group sessions several days a week at work. Describe specifics of a program that incorporates techniques of proven efficacy in dealing with extreme Type A personality behaviors.
General Project Guidelines:
1. Papers must be written using the current APA Publication Manual. Papers should be five to seven typed double-spaced pages, not including title page and reference list.
2. An introduction should delineate the specific goals of the training program and how participants will be identified and assessed
3. At least five references from the scholarly literature (ideally peer-reviewed articles identified through the database PsycINFO) should be used to support the interventions addressed. There should be five references in addition to articles from the course reading, though the latter can also be included as references.
4. The specifics of the training program, for both individuals and group sessions, should be spelled out in detail.
5. A timetable for the program and expected results should be indicated. How will results be measured?
6. A reference list in proper APA format must be included.


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War Poems and Poets

I contemplated Rosenberg’s “Rest day in entrenchment”. The remainder of the day is a loosening up start of a quiet new day, so this title implies a quiet climate. The entire sonnet has a delicate and tranquil inclination against it, and the writer accomplishes this by utilizing reverberation. Delicate consonants, for example, “resting green” and “compassion”. Despite the fact that the sonnet has a quiet climate, the artist needs to state out of resentment and war in verse. The artist remarked on the staggering impact of the war against the earth and the opportunity it took from people.

Composing against war verse is exceptionally troublesome. Numerous artists are against political verse. They accept that an appropriate vehicle for feeling is a segment, not a sonnet. When Randall Jarrell read Auden on September 1, 1939, “He didn’t comprehend the possibility of ??the writer.” despite colonialism and universal errors, he left altering sonnets, And Jarrell composed. Those perusing “September 1, 1939” knew about the absence of significant sonnets composed upon the arrival of extraordinary occasions. The sonnet on July 14 mirrors the breakdown of Bastille and its conceivable impact, yet on the day the Germans attacked Poland toward the start of the Second World War and reasons made by Germans, Oden got 50 I plunked down. Make a plunge Second Street, and started to enter the obscure, dull, awful things as a climactic of “disrespected 10 years”

“Harmony and war in American history”, American history of David Riemann, and a progression of composition by artistic pioneers

A writer of war is an artist who composed his experience by partaking in the war, or a noncombatant who composed verse of war. This term applies explicitly to individuals who serve during the First World War, however this term applies to any warrior of any nationality who composed any war, including Homer Yiale of the eighth century BC and Old English Poem “Fight” . Fight Mardon commending the genuine battle in 991, and verse, for example, American and Spanish common war, Crimean war.




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