Student Athlete Selection


Identify an amateur athlete to represent, and gain an understanding of what they can and can’t do. Here are some important rules to consider. Watch videos in Canvas for more details.

Consider NIL rules – athletes can hire representation
Boosters can purchase player merchandise
International students may have visa laws limiting working hours (20 hrs)
Student athletes can’t promote some categories (alcohol/drugs)
State schools won’t allow conflicting categories to exclusive official university partnerships (Adidas school – Student can’t rep Nike )
Deliverable: Provide an overview of your student athlete for this assignment. Provide some background information on who they are, why they were selected, and how you expect them to be successful. Consider the NIL rules in place, and work within the current framework to establish your strategy.

Student Athlete Brand Analysis
Analyze this student athlete and their marketability. Explore stories that may help brand your student athlete, and begin to identify potential markets that might be interested in working with this athlete. Unique Strategy to create brand awareness;

Establish potential stories to tell to help brand your student athlete
Personal Interests
Hobbies or unique skills
Charitable Organizations
Personal Experiences
Deliverable: 1. Student Athlete Bio & Profile 2. Student Athlete Boilerplate Elevator Pitch 3. Social media followers, and overall influence on social

Sample Solution

Inspiration Motivation is again a result of good authority. Inspiration is exceptionally private, and it is the pioneers liability to grasp what persuades every person and carry out strategies to get greatest execution from a gathering. The significance of the pioneers job in spurring people is featured in Herzberg’s Two Factor hypothesis. The hypothesis features factors that should be set up to stay away from disappointment, cleanliness endlessly factors that advance fulfillment, inspiration factors, displayed in Figure 4 (Pettinger, 2007). Herzberg’s hypothesis assists with unraveling what rouses people, however doesn’t prompt on the most proficient method to execute this to deliver greatest efficiency from an individual, this is accomplished by involving the hypothesis related to other persuasive speculations, for example, objective setting hypothesis. Figure 4: Hygiene and Motivating Factors (Pettinger,, 2006) Goal setting isn’t simply a significant piece of inspiration, they are fundamental for both cooperation and effective administration, they give sign on what should be accomplished, how much exertion they should dedicated to accomplish it and they go about as the essential cause of occupation inspiration for people, in this manner setting them precisely is fundamental (Pettinger 2007). Explicit and clear objectives are the best inspirations, and will prompt ideal execution, subsequently it becomes fundamental for a pioneer to grasp what rouses every person inside a gathering (Pettinger, 2007). Inspiration is exceptionally private, and can vary greatly across a gathering, so the pioneer should adjust how they propel to suit every person, this features the requirement for an association to carry out strategies that permit chiefs to be adaptable by they way they reward people. Issues emerge when objectives are not set well, on the off chance that the objectives are uncertain, unattainable or too simple the singular will lose inspiration (Pettinger, 2007). Whenever objectives have been set it becomes fundamental for pioneers to consistently evaluate how people are advancing towards them, in the event that well, objectives ought to be made seriously testing, in the event that they are battling, the objectives ought to be made more straightforward. Objectives additionally take into account pioneer to evaluate how the group are performing, and the way that their administration style is working with the gathering, in the event that objectives are not being met the pioneer should adjust how the group associate together or their initiative style to accomplish them.

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