Student education progress


Problem 1: Write a program that produces the following output using nested for loop.

Problem 2: Write a program that converts date formats from American Format: “September 3, 2020” to International Format; – such as “2020-September-3”.

Problem 3: Implement a method called getGrade that accepts an integer representing a student’s grade in a course and returns that student’s numerical course grade. Write a main to test the implemented method. The grade can be between 0.0 (failing) and 4.0 (perfect). Assume that scores are in the range of 0 to 100 and grades are based on the following scale:
Score Grade
<60 0.0
60-62 0.7
63 0.8
64 0.9
65 1.0

92 3.7
93 3.8
94 3.9
>=95 4

Problem 4: Write a program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs both individual digits of the number and the sum of the digit. For example, the program shall output the individual digits of 3456 as 3 4 5 6; output the individual digits of 8040 as 8 0 4 0; output individual digits of 4000 as 4 0 0 0; output individual digits of -2345 as 2 3 4 5.
Bonus Problem
Write a program that reads in a set of positive integers and outputs how many times a particular number appears in the list. You may assume that the data set has at most 100 numbers and -999 marks the end of the input data. The numbers must be output in increasing order. For example, for the data
15 40 28 62 95 15 28 13 62 65 48 95 65 62 65 95 95 -999
The output is
Number Count
13 1
15 2
28 2
40 1
48 1
62 3
65 3
95 4

Sample Solution

Mental impairment includes mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety disorders, psychotic illnesses, and eating disorders’.

Equality and Diversity UAS (2014) also indicates that disabilities covered by the Act can also include;

  • Conditions such, as Asperger Syndrome and other Autism Spectrum Disorders. According to Equality and Diversity UAS (2014) specific learning difficulties will also now be included under the EA. These will include Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The EA will require schools to assess these students and make the necessary provision under SEN. Therefore the EA will have had an impact upon the students who will be assessed as disabled and need SEN adjustments within schools.
    Equality and Diversity UAS (2014) then further defines what can be classed as a disability under the EA.
  • A long-term is defined as a disability where effects last at least 12 months
  • Temporary conditions which are likely to last less than 12 months will not be covered by the EA. These could include temporary infection or a broken limb. However, some adjustments may be made within school to accommodate such conditions.
  • Normal day-to-day activity includes activities which are carried out by most people on a fairly regular and frequent basis, for example using the stairs.

How does the EA define Disability and Special educational Needs (SEN)?

One important aspect of the EA (2010) is that not all children who are defined as disabled will have Special Educational Needs. For example, those with asthma arthritis or diabetes may not have SEN but may have rights under the EA. The EA (2010) definition for schools for disabled students comes from the EA and the definition for SEN students comes from the Education Act 1996. The impact on schools will be that there will be a significant overlap between the two groups of children. A child may fall within one or more of the definitions. The Department of Education defines children with SEN as children have a learning difficulty if they:

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