Student Marking Criteria



Part I Questions Set A (Total 5 marks)

Using the SPSS output you have been provided with (attached):
Fill in the blanks (below)
SUGGESTED PRESENTATION OF RESULTS…you need to fill in the blanks!

In the Post intervention time, of the total of 1539 children participated in this study, _____% were female. Mean age of the sample was _____ (SD= 0.93), with participants age ranging between 9 and 15 years. Most of the participants (85.9%) were in high-level family income, less than a sixth (_____%) in mid-level income, and very few participants (____%) in low-level family income. Most children had mothers who completed 1-12 years of education (_____%), with approximately a tenth having illiterate mothers (_____%).
In the Post intervention time, overall 884 (57.4%) children were identified to have poor oral health status. A total of 868 (56.4%) children were assigned to the intervention group. From both groups, two-thirds of the children had mothers who were unemployed/unskilled (____%), just over a quarter reported to have mothers with semi-skilled or skilled occupations, (____%) and very few had mothers with semi-professional/professional occupations (____%). At the bivariate level of analysis, the number of children with poor oral health status was higher for the control group (_____%) than the intervention group (______ %). However, this difference did not reach significance (χ2=_____, p = 0.229). Oral hygiene status did not differ between family income levels (χ2 =______, p=0.921). More children with a family income of more than $180,000 (n=____;_____%) and $90,000-180,000 (n=____;_____%) had poor oral health status. On comparison using t-test, children in the intervention group were not found to be different from control group in relation to age (p=___), overall oral health wellbeing (p=___) and self-rating of oral health (t=____, p=0.126) Notes …….
1. Initially, describing the sample itself. Sets scene.




2. Concentrates on research question and hence outcome of oral health status.

3. Overall number of subjects in the control and intervention groups gives some idea of power.

4. Bivariate (relationship between one independent variable and one dependent variable)

5. Assumes no mutual confounding of variables involved, or by any other variables.


Question Part Criteria Mark
Question 1:
In the Pre-intervention time, are participants in the intervention group different from the control group in demographic information including: sex, age group, socioeconomic status, family structure, frequency of sweet food consumption and frequency of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption? 1. SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESES: Provide research hypotheses that will address the research questions. 1
2. Provide a name of the statistical test, and a justification of the statistical test(s) that will be appropriate to test the hypotheses. 0.5
3. Provide a statement of the levels of significance that you will use to test the hypothesis. 0.5
4. Execute the appropriate analysis and interpret the results in a short paragraph or two. These include:
i. using tables to present descriptive analysis results,
ii. overall statistical results and p value, and
iii. interpretation of the results. 3
Overall, is there any difference between intervention and control group participants in the 10 oral health quality of life factors, psychological wellbeing and general health and wellbeing in the Pre-intervention time? Methodology Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use (variable name and specific variable type, normality test).
Please choose either parametric test or non-parametric test depending on the normality test results. Normality tests need to be done by checking Skewness and Kurtosis (to be considered normal distribution, both Skewness and Kurtosis need to be within the range of -3 to +3). 1
Results Conduct the statistics analysis, present the descriptive statistics and a bivariate analysis results in a table to summarise the data in all 12 outcome variables including: the 10 oral health quality of life factors of pain, esthetics/appearance, difficulty eating or swallowing, bleeding gums or other gum problems, bad breath from the mouth, worried and anxious about tooth problems, difficult speaking, difficulty in performing school work, difficulty in participating in sports, effect of oral health on family, as well as psychological wellbeing and general health and wellbeing. 4
Discuss tables of overall results and meaning of the results in a paragraph or paragraphs. Please describe the direction of the difference. 3
Question 3
In the Pre-intervention time, does the three levels of time of last dental visit show different levels of oral symptoms, functional limitations, emotional wellbeing, social wellbeing, overall oral health wellbeing and self-rating of oral health? Method Provide a rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (i.e.., specific variable type, number of groups). 1
Results Conduct the analysis, summarise the difference between the three levels of time of last dental visit in the variables of oral symptoms, functional limitations, emotional wellbeing, social wellbeing, overall oral health wellbeing and self-rating of oral health. 4
Interpretation Describe the results in the table and meaning of the results. Please describe the direction of the post-hoc comparisons (e.g., which group is more or less than another). 3
Question 4
Are the 10 oral health quality of life factors correlated with each other in the Pre-intervention time? Method Provide a rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (i.e.., variable type, normality test results). 0.5
Results Conduct the data analysis, summarise the relationships among 10 oral health quality of life factors variables and present the results in a table using publication format. 2.5
Interpretation Describe the results in a short paragraph or two. 2
Question 5
In the Pre-intervention time, is overall oral health and wellbeing predicted by parent’s attitudes towards oral health, parent’s support in oral health behaviour, oral symptoms, functional limitation, emotional wellbeing, and social wellbeing, when age and sex are controlled for in the analysis?
Method Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (i.e.., variable type, normality test results). 1
Results Conduct the appropriate data analysis, summarise the relationship of overall oral health and wellbeing (higher score the better oral wellbeing) predicted by parent’s attitudes towards oral health, parent’s support in oral health behaviour, oral symptoms, functional limitation, emotional wellbeing, and social wellbeing, when age and sex are controlled for in the analysis. Present the results in a table, and describe the results in a paragraph or two. 4
Describe meaning for the statistical level of significance and overall results for the relationship of overall oral health and wellbeing with the independent variables including parent’s attitudes towards oral health, parent’s support in oral health behaviour, oral symptoms, functional limitation, emotional wellbeing, and social wellbeing, age and gender variables. 3
Question 6
In the Pre-intervention time, is oral health status predicted based on frequency of cleaning teeth, time of last dental visit, number of decayed teeth, overall oral health wellbeing, and oral symptoms, when sex and age are controlled in the analysis? Variables Provide rationale of the data analysis method you will use for this question (variable type and adequate cell number). Provide name of dependent and independent variables. 1
Methodology Conduct a statistical analysis, use tables in publication format to summarise relationships of oral health status to frequency of cleaning teeth, time of last dental visit, number of decayed teeth, overall oral health wellbeing, and oral symptoms. 4
Results Describe whether oral health status is predicted by frequency of cleaning teeth, time of last dental visit, number of decayed teeth, overall oral health wellbeing, and oral symptoms. 3
Overall Discussion Interpretation • Summarise the main research findings.
• Interpret the meaning of the results and discuss the reason of the significant results (for example, the significant difference or relationship of suggests that…)
• Discuss implications or future of the research based on the results in this study. 8


Question Criteria Mark
Research Question
Are there any differences between pre intervention and post intervention time in the intervention group participants in psychological wellbeing, overall oral health wellbeing, and general health and wellbeing? 1. Hypothesis
SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESES (Null and Alternative): Provide research hypotheses which will address the research questions. 0.5
2. Provide a justification of the statistical test(s) Provide a name of the statistical test, and a justification of the statistical test(s) that will be appropriate to test the hypotheses (For this question, an appropriate statistical test needs to be chosen depending on the normality test results). 0.25
3. Significance level Provide a statement of the levels of significance that you will use to test the hypothesis. 0.25
Execute the appropriate analysis and interpret the results in a short paragraph or two. This needs to include:
i. using tables to present descriptive analysis results in publication format,
ii. overall statistical test results (i.e.., t or F ratio, p value), and 2
5. Interpretation iii. interpretation of the results 2


Sample Solution



11 Dec ‘14339964.5/5

Brush with death

GuidesorSubmit my paper for investigation

By Nicholas Klacsanzky

GanpatipuleI was on an excursion in Ganapatipule, which is a town on the coast on the west side of India, arranged right on the Indian Ocean. I was with my long-term companion, Janu, and his mom, remaining in an inn for a couple of days. The get-away so far was the epitome of unwinding: eating crisp mangoes, getting up late, feasting out constantly (for the most part fish curry), swimming a couple of times each day in the Indian sea, and kidding around with old buddies.

Around three toward the evening on a cloudless day, the sea shore on our side was vacant of individuals other than my companion, his mom, and I. It was liberating to be distant from everyone else on this immense sea shore, known to be a blessed spot among Hindus. Ganapatipule is named after the god Ganesh, and there is a popular Ganesh hallowed place close there where a swayambhu (a model raised from the earth itself as a divine being) is venerated. Washing in the sea around this region should scrub individuals of their pessimism and visiting the place of worship decontaminates people also.

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As I began to swim in the warm sea, hopping over waves, I abandoned my companions. I was wearing a white kurta, or a conventional clothing for men in India, which was overwhelming in the water, however my feet was effectively contacting the sea floor consistently. I generally washed my garments by swimming in the sea when I was there.

In any case, at one moment, I felt that my feet couldn’t contact the sea floor any longer and I dove into the water, weighted somewhere near my garments. The waves continued coming and now they were threatening, as I was getting sucked into the profundities each opportunity they came—regardless of whether I emerged from the water and attempted to swim back to the piece of the sea where I could get an a dependable balance. I had been sucked into a riptide, truth be told, and was stuck in a plunging valley, in spite of my hard endeavors to arrive at security and my hollering to my companions out yonder.

In the wake of battling intensely for a couple, long minutes to conflict with the suction of the riptide, and yelling to my companions out there close to the shore without much of any result, I started to unwind, tolerating my destiny. I never again battled to arrive at the edge of the sea valley to get a decent footing, and during the time spent being maneuvered into the sea and returning up to the surface, I conversed with God so anyone can hear. I talked about what I had fouled up in my life and what I did well. I closed in reflection that my life was satisfying generally speaking, and I felt prepared to bite the dust, tolerating the current condition as the real world.

However as soon I gave up myself to the circumstance, a gigantic wave came and pushed me out of the riptide and the profound valley I was sucked into. On the float of the wave, I arrived close to my companions, who appeared to be bewildered at my demeanor and my expressions of depiction. They were ignorant that I experienced been difficulty. However, it didn’t make a difference at that point—I was glad to arrive at land again and felt my life was reestablished.

I later took in the time I swam was foreboding for swimming at Ganapatipule, as the locals accept the god Ganesh washes around three in evening in the sea there. Maybe Ganesh pardoned me for the interruption, and discharged me from the resentment of the sea against divine convention.

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