Students with Physical Disabilities: Best Practices



Have you ever used a tool to help you accomplish a task that was too difficult to do on your own? In this video, teachers work with a student with spina bifida to help her be an active part of their inclusion classroom. As you watch, notice what sorts of assistive devices the teachers use to help MaryAnne.
Which types of tools help you accomplish daily tasks in your life? In what ways could tools have helped you in your education?

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Which types of assistive devices do the teachers use with MaryAnne? What are some important factors for teachers to keep in mind when choosing assistive devices for students?


Sample Solution

Students with disabilities may feel left out or excluded since they have difficulties completing even simple tasks like turning a page. Assistive technology is crucial as it enables individuals to carry out tasks on their own. Assistive technology enables individuals to take part in education, live dignified lives and engage in civic life. Students with spina bifida may: use splits, casts, leg braces, canes, crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs. They need extra time moving around the classrooms, between classes, and through the school. They need special seats and desks or tables, as well as assistive technology and extra space for wheelchairs or other equipment.

ells, caught platelets, and endothelial cells (Yelle, n.d.). As this outpouring of occasions proceeds, the greasy streak develops into calcified plaque and blocks the pathway of blood (Yelle, n.d.).

The third stage, the plaque disturbance stage, is additionally the clinical phase of the sickness. In this piece of computer aided design, the clots or sinewy piece of the plaque isolates and goes into the circulation system (Yelle, n.d.). Difficulties that emerge from the third stage incorporate angina, myocardial dead tissue, stroke, or an aneurysm (Yelle, n.d.).

Once determined to have computer aided design, one lives with the sickness until the end of their life. A singular’s condition might be worked with by means of solid way of life changes, prescriptions, and clinical mediations and medical procedure for the extreme cases (NHLBI, n.d.). Way of life changes benefit heart wellbeing, for example, keeping a solid weight, steady active work, and the discontinuance of smoking (NHLBI, n.d.). These progressions will take into consideration the heart to work reliably inside one’s typical reach.

Prescriptions that are utilized to treat the sickness are: statins to assist with further developing absolute cholesterol levels, enemies of lipids, pulse drugs, enemies of thrombolytics, and hostile to inflammatories (NHLBI, n.d.). Since unfortunate cholesterol levels, hypertension, apoplexy, and the body’s fiery component add to the support of computer aided design, these separate meds help with keeping a sound cardiovascular framework.

Serious computer aided design might be treated with operations; one strategy is coronary angioplasty, a method that opens a restricted or blocked supply route through a stent, permitting blood to stream consistently (NHLBI, n.d). Coronary course sidestep joining is one more method in which a unite is utilized to give elective courses around the impacted conduit (NHLBI, n.d). With these methods, it is fundamental that patient keeps a solid way of life and keeps on sticking to any recommended drugs to guarantee their prosperity while living with computer aided design.

Epidemiological Attributes

Coronary conduit sickness is the main source of death concerning atherosclerotic confusions in both grown-up people, whether or not or not they smoke (NIH MedlinePlus, n.d.). In the US, computer aided design is pervasive in 15 million grown-ups (John Hopkins Medication, n.d.). The yearly frequency of the infection is 11.7 percent, or 28.4 million grown-up Americans (Habitats for Infectious prevention and Anticipation, 2017). However safeguard measures are focused on among those with unfortunate ways of life and clinical treatment is accessible, many don’t endure the difficulties of computer aided design; smoking represented 33% of all passings because of computer aided design (Places for Infectious prevention and Anticipation, 2010). All in all, computer aided design kills around 370,000 individuals every year (Communities for Infectious prevention and Anticipation, 2017). This infection is an endemic to the U

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