1. Define your topic and relate it to the study of political science.
2. Describe why it is important. Is it an area of study that has been overlooked, for example?
3. Define what you hope to discover. Set clear and manageable parameters for what you hope to achieve.
4. Describe how you are going to do this (i.e. identify appropriate scholarly, web, and news sources). Be specific. Simply saying you will use the Internet or the SJSU Library is not sufficient.
To sustain continuous improvement and keep pace with rising public expectations a balance must also be maintained between production and sustaining production capability. There are many problems that public managers will face that will not have easy solution and it will be through training managers in the adaptive leadership skills that are needed to work in this strategic triangle that sustained success can be achieved.
Measurement of public value is readily achieved where there is broad range of accessible providers so consumers can demonstrate their preferences through choice. Measuring public value could be viewed as an elusive task, given that public managers who create public value cannot know certainly what it is. Also, measuring outputs and outcomes in public services without the added public value complexity has been, and continues to be a well documented problematic area. In combination, it is no wonder that challenge of measuring public value is quite arduous.
Moore suggests analytic techniques such as program evaluation and cost-effectiveness analysis have an important part to play in helping managers locate and recognize the creation of public value. Moore believes they are conceptually superior to benefit ‘ cost analysis as they ‘look away from individual preferences and toward collectively established purposes’ He goes on to say that public sector managers should look at administrative efficiency and program effectiveness not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of fairness and justice.
Benington states that public value is increasingly produced not by a single organiza