Studying the story of art


Over the last several weeks we have been studying the story of art, including the important changes from one period to the next and the specific contributions of select artists.
A local business owner, Mr. Z, who is an alumnus of Indiana Tech, has decided to purchase several pieces of 2-dimensional artwork to hang in our school. However, he knows nothing about art since he never took an art class in school. His assistant has narrowed the choices down to three selections: 1) Cezanne’s Mountains in Provence (page 541); 2) Picasso’s Violin and Grapes (page 575); and 3) Pollock’s One (page 603). Mr. Z is now asking you to choose one as your personal favorite.
You must then write a letter to him persuading him to purchase the choice you made. He requires at least 3 reasons that have detailed explanations as to why you think this is a good work of art. Your reasons must be based on the contributions that each artist has made to the overall story of art and the significance of the particular type of art, along with your reflections and taste as a student at Indiana Tech.

persuade Mr. Z to pick the artwork you have chosen as one of the final artworks purchased for the school. Your letter will include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Sample Solution

Subject: A Timeless Choice: Pollock’s “One”

Dear Mr. Z,

I am writing to express my enthusiasm for Pollock’s “One” as an exceptional choice for our school’s art collection. This iconic piece represents a pivotal moment in the history of art, pushing the boundaries of traditional painting and paving the way for future generations of artists.

Firstly, “One” embodies the essence of Abstract Expressionism, a movement that emerged in post-World War II America. Pollock’s technique of drip painting, where he applied paint directly to the canvas, revolutionized the art world. This method allowed him to express his emotions and subconscious thoughts in a raw and unfiltered manner. By choosing “One,” we would be acquiring a piece that embodies the spirit of innovation and experimentation that defined this era.

Secondly, Pollock’s work challenges traditional notions of beauty and aesthetics. Rather than focusing on realistic representation, he explores the expressive potential of color, line, and texture. This abstract approach encourages viewers to engage with the artwork on a personal level, interpreting its meaning and symbolism. By displaying “One” in our school, we can inspire students to think critically, question conventional ideas, and develop their own artistic vision.

Finally, “One” is a visually striking and powerful piece of art. Its bold colors, dynamic composition, and energetic brushwork create a sense of movement and energy. This artwork would undoubtedly be a focal point in our school, sparking conversations and stimulating creativity.

In conclusion, I believe that Pollock’s “One” is an excellent choice for our school’s art collection. Its historical significance, artistic innovation, and visual impact make it a valuable addition to our campus. By acquiring this masterpiece, we can inspire future generations of artists and art enthusiasts.

Thank you for considering my recommendation.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Student ID] Indiana Tech

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