For the Super Bowl Critique, you are asked to select your favorite 2021 Super Bowl Ad. You will then critique
the ad based on industry standards. You will turn to forum discussion content, textbook content, and
supplemental course materials for industry best practices.
Evaluative Criteria
Clearly identify what you believe to be the campaign objectives (e.g., brand awareness, brand perception,
and/or brand preference)
Explained how effective the campaign was in meeting those objectives
Explain how effective the ad is/was in meeting those objectives
Support explanation with secondary research (e.g., expert insights, data, etc.)
Make your case for why you believe your chosen advertiser got the most return for its money
Support your claims with secondary research
Share viewership and audience details
Share key insights for the 2021 game
Explain whom you believe the ad was targeting and whether the Super Bowl was the best place for the
advertiser to reach its audience. (Explain/describe thoroughly)
What approach has the campaign taken post Super Bowl?
Who do you believe to be its target based on media placement post Super Bowl?
When discussing targeting include a discussion on demographics, psychographics, and behavioral targeting
Use strategic planning supplemental materials to evaluate the program
Identify whether the brand is a follower or leader
Share details on the brand’s current market share (secondary research used as support)
Determine/explain whether the brand managers applied the right strategic and creative approaches based on
their position in the marketplace
Describe and share (e.g., screen grabs, images, links to YouTube clips, social media platform posts, etc.) each
of the channels/approaches utilized for the campaign
Include discussion on weaknesses of the execution of the program within those channels. (e.g., Facet’s Model
of Effects, Media Planning techniques, etc.).
Explain the techniques the Creative Directors employed when writing the copy (television, radio, print, digital,
Explain whether you believe they employed the appropriate techniques
Explain the creative elements of the spot and critiqued the ad based on proven industry best practices
Consult materials from textbook (e.g., Facet’s Model of Effects)
Consult supplemental materials (e.g., elements of a strong IMC program, creative strategy, strategic planning,
Kellogg’s ADPLAN, etc.)
Support your claims with secondary research
Explain the role this spot played in the product/brand’s overall marketing mix – identify the other channels
being utilized
I am looking for details and support for claims from strong sources
Explain whether the campaign appropriately integrated (See week one supplementary materials for the
elements of strong IMC programs)
Explain what you believe brand managers could do to further support their campaign (PR, advertising, etc.)
Share what the “experts” had to say about your chosen campaign (e.g., AdAge, Wall Street Journal, etc.).
Shared your point-of-view as to whether you agree or disagree with the commentary
Explain, based on the efforts of others within the competitive set, whether your program has broken through
the clutter (support with data, expert insights, etc.)
Explain whether you believe the brand should move forward with advertising in the 2022 Super Bowl. Support
your claims with data, expert insights, etc.
If the team decides to advertise in 2022, do you believe the current team should be rehired? Address the
agency, Creative Director(s), Writers, Media Planners, PR Directors – identify each, evaluate the job each did
and whether it met, fell short or exceeded industry expectations.
Illustrate that you have a firm grasp of course material
ed Maasai to become engaged in farming. This helps him to diversified their economy and avoid drought risks. According to Cambell (2005, p. 776), “Herding was being replaced by mixed livestock-cropping enterprises, and the better-watered margins of the rangelands was extensively cultivated. The main aim of Maasai’s people was to get well-watered land on the group ranches which were used herding and then agricultural activities: “The major incentive for acceptance of the concept of group ranches was that the Maasai saw in the legal title a means of maintaining their rights granted” (Campbell, 1986, p.47). However, the opportunity to get land in this area adapted to agriculture led to the increase in the number of immigrants. The population’s growth resulted in the problem of water and soil resource availability. Also the problem of land degradation has arisen. According to Kimani and Pickari (1998) the majority of farmers couldn’t afford fertilizes to improve the situation. “Soil fertility decline, increased soil erosion, and deforestation were widely reported in 1996” (Campbell, 1999, p.394). In the Loitokitok area farming began in the 1930s with the establishment of a District Office. The administration employed staff who came from farming areas elsewhere in Kenya, and who began to cultivate. In the Loitokitok area it reflects natural increase as well as migration of large numbers from the congested central highlands of Kenya to farm the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro and other hills. As for wildlife managers, among their main aims Campbell (2000) states nature diversity conservation – improving disrupted wildlife movements, access to water in riparian zones, and altered livestock grazing patterns. Another aspect, connected also with wildlife tourism enterprises, might be improving tourism facilities. Moreover, for a better management of various land use stakeholders of the region, there is an aim of wildlife managers to develop and implement strategies that might encourage people living near wildlife parks to accept the costs, and benefits, coming from the parks and the wildlife (Campbell, 2005). Basically, therefore among their activities we can mention return