
Considering the arguments of Smith and Foucault in particular, is public surveillance a net positive or net negative for society as a whole?
Are we better off with the (very significant) amount of current public surveillance?
Should we have less? More?
And what are your obligations to either engage in public surveillance or try to work against it?


Sample Solution

Public surveillance is a highly contentious issue, particularly in the age of technology with which it has become increasingly easy to monitor and collect data from citizens. While there are proponents who argue that public surveillance can be beneficial to society as a whole, critics express concern over its potential for abuse and lack of privacy.

In favor of public surveillance, Adam Smith argued that having an overseer or ‘invisible hand’ could help improve efficiency by ensuring rules and regulations are followed (Smith). This idea is extended by Foucault who expands upon Smith’s concept of the invisible hand by introducing the idea of “panopticism”; wherein people know they will be monitored and thus modify their behavior accordingly without being directly observed (Foucault). In essence this serves to cultivate certain behaviors deemed desirable in a given society while also deterring any undesirable ones.

On the other hand, opponents contend that allowing too much public surveillance can lead to an erosion of civil liberties such as freedom from search-and-seizure or freedom from self-incrimination (May). Furthermore, this type of monitoring creates opportunities for government abuse; especially when done covertly with little oversight so as not to draw attention or stir up controversy (Deibert & Rohozinski 459–480) .

Overall, it seems that while there may be some merit to using public surveillance in specific contexts where it can provide tangible benefits such as increased safety and crime prevention , caution should still be taken not only regarding how much information is collected but also how this information is used. It appears then that while both sides make compelling arguments depending on one’s perspective public surveillance could either serve as a net positive or net negative for society.

appreciation and discourse creation. Because of this left hemispheric impedance, the issues in holding letter-sound affiliations may be made sense of by the singular perusing by means of the right half of the globe (Broca’s region which is overwhelmingly liable for appreciation) and not discourse creation.


It has been expected and adversely generalized that dyslexic individuals are not quite as scholarly as non-dyslexic people. This might be a result of troubles in school tests. For instance, inability to sort out scholarly realities successfully in tests might have a significant effect on their grade. Likewise, on the off chance that work is written in a disconnected design with oversights of words and expressions – basically on the grounds that the individual has forgotten about the thing s/he is attempting to communicate – can likewise have a negative effect on the result of the test. Notwithstanding, reality may eventually show that non-dyslexic students adjust an alternate technique for update that helps them to perform better in tests. For instance, update methods frequently applied by understudies like making records, practicing material, or verbally rehashing data into a recording device, would be a troublesome and distressing undertaking to a dyslexia student who experiences issues holding phonological data utilizing practice or reiteration or potentially issues with changing over phonological material into composed design. Moreover because of troubles with semantic data and memory, dyslexic people find connecting verbal marks to pictures ineffectual as a learning procedure.


Hence, it may not be that they don’t have a clue about the data expected of them in a test circumstance, it is more to do with their absence of skill in recovering and communicating their insight that is the deterrent. In this way it is significant in the instructive setting for dyslexia to be evaluated for since the beginning – so youngsters with dyslexia can learn various methodologies of learning data and be raised to their ordinary homeroom level.


Considering the proof above, apparently the etiology of dyslexia has its underlying foundations in the capacity of the human mind to get to its functioning memory. For instance, alluding back to a portion of the side effects showed in dyslexic people – for instance, troubles with records and reviewing data – it appears to be truly conceivable that parts of working memory or transient recovery of memory are not functioning as successfully as they ought to be. Natural proof likewise prompts the end that harm to the left half of the globe (the piece of the mind answerable for understanding) is normal in the dyslexic victim. Besides, the proof proposed above infers a neurological brokenness of the human cerebrum and the manner in which it gets to and uses the memory compartment. In this way could it at any point be expected that there might be a hereditary connection to dyslexia (see Byrne et al (2002) for help)? In any case, the help for the hereditary presumption of dyslexia is blended, and like a ton of twin examinations, jumbling results might be made sense of by natural improvement too, or more than, hereditary elements. Consequently, in addition to the fact that it is critical to perceive and analyze dyslexia since the beginning, the individual must be energized in the family and instructive setting to appreciate and create upon their frail language abilities. The mindfulness that parts of memory are a huge supporter of the abilities to learn of dyslexic endures will help families and tutoring to adjust to additional cordial approaches to instructing -, for example, multi-tactile showing strategies – so the youngster can get to other boost to set off their functioning memory.

Cerebrum imaging strategies uncover a scope of practical and primary cerebral irregularities of people with dyslexia. Cerebrum imaging studies have found the parts of working memory in the mind – the focal chief in the cerebrums, the visual-spatial sketchpad (‘internal eye’) in the right side of the equator and the phonological circle (‘internal ear’) in the left half of the globe (Carter, 1998). This might assist with making sense of why some dyslexics have unfortunate grapheme-phoneme transformation abilities – in that they experience issues changing over visual words into sounds. This might prompt the more unfortunate perusing of non-words, or words that are challenging to articulate. It has been refered to that the dyslexic students might utilize phonological codes in their functioning memory. Pickering (2000) proposes that dyslexic people have issues making an interpretation of visual data into phonological structure; this then influences their capacity to learn new words while perusing. This connects to investigation into Broca’s/Wernicke’s regions. In that harm to the Wernicke’s region which is liable for the capacity of recollections of the grouping of sounds that comprise into words – frequently creates unfortunate appreciation and discourse creation. Because of this left hemispheric hindrance, the issues in holding letter-sound affiliations may be made sense of by the singular perusing by means of the right half of the globe (Broca’s region which is transcendently answerable for perception) and not discourse creation.

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