Learn about a concept design process and create your own sustainable fashion concept in a practical, creative
and innovative way.
The concept is not a finished (business) model / product / service, but it is the team’s vision of a working
solution with story and visualization. It is an idea and proposal for new models, products and services. Concept
ideas are many time future-oriented.
As an example, You can also base your challenge on your own statement; what you can do better?
or It could be any other fashion problem.
How will the Covid-19 pandemic affect fashion? How you take that into account in your concept idea?
Your idea of Sustainable Fashion Concept could be almost anything; example
* An alternative business model
* End of life system
* Better traceability
* Making life cycle longer/fashion cycle longer or even circular
* Saving environment
* More conscious customers
* Human rights
* Cruelty free
* Making fashion more meaningful
It could be also
* Idea of Sustainable Fashion Application
* Idea of Sustainable Fashion Campaign
* Idea how use Social media to make fashion more sustainable.
Give descriptive and exciting name to your concept.
Describe the ideal customer as customer profile board. Make the board as collage. This visual and written
description can be enhanced by the addition of a customer image and lifestyle visual shown on a display
Describing the customer, you can use some of these characteristics
* Key characteristics
* Society
* Economy
* Environment
* Politics/Government
* Technology
* Family life
* Work
* Key customer needs
* Leisure
* Media
* Most admired brands
* Most hated brands
* Loyalty
* Regulation
* Attitude towards brands
* People and Institutions people trust
* People and Institutions people distrust
* What is the name of you concept?
* Describe your concept
* How does your concept work?
* Who is the target user?
* What value would it brings?
* Are their any anticipated barriers/challenges to your concept?
* What are the key factors for success?
* How do you want to influence into the future with this concept idea?
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Articulate and frame what sustainable fashion challenge you want to solve and the impact you hope to have,
and if possible, bring a team together to align on your goals and approach.
Start by clarifying your goal – what are you looking to accomplish? Make sure you are focused enough that the
challenge feels manageable, but broad enough that there are opportunities to discover new or unique
To understand enough, make more background research
Sustainable Marketing Checklist
Promotion is very important part of brands. This checklist ask you to consider promotion with the three pillars
of sustainability – planet , people, profit. The objective is to look at enterprises from a holistic view, to
emphasise the existing commitment to sustainability or to bring out social and/or environmental product or
process improvements.
Look the The Sustainable Marketing Checklist
olumetrically analyzed the efficacy` of root canal fillings in primary teeth using spiral computed tomography, however there is no published data comparing volumetric analysis of the filled canals of primary molars with different filling techniques using more advanced imaging method, i.e. CBCT.
The present study have measured the canal space or volume occupied by the voids and the volume occupied by filling material three dimensionally, thereby, assessing the exact amount of intracanal space that can be filled by particular technique. More the volume occupied by voids more will be the chances of failure after pulpectomy and therefore, less effective and efficient is that technique. The results of the present study had shown that all the four techniques can be used for filling the canals of primary molars but the volume of filling material in the filled canals (postobturated volume) was statistically significantly lesser than the volume of the prepared canals (preobturated volume). It indicated that all the four techniques used to fill the canals of primary molars led to voids in the filling material-a finding consistent with many other reports in the literature for the obturation techniques. Though difference was the highest with insulin syringe, followed by lentulospirals, then endodontic pressure syringe and least with skini syringe with navi tip. Hence, Insulin syringe showed worst results in filling the canals of primary molars while skini syringe with NaviTip showed best results for the same.
In the present study lentulospiral was found better than insulin syringe but poor than the other two techniques. This finding was consistent with the findings of Subbha Reddy et al. where endodontic pressure syringe was better than the lentulospirals in controlling the voids. However, Dandashi et.al found no significant difference between the lentulo instrument, pressure syringe and packing technique. Memapour M.et al and Torroes et.al have observed that lentulospirals led to better depth of fill to the apex though more voids were observed by them as compared with two syringe techniques- endodontic pressure syringe and navi tip.