System Development Life Cycle Model


(Keep in mind that the SDLC can be applied to almost any activity you encounter, either at work or outside of work.)
One of the biggest problem areas in the SDLC appears during the requirements analysis stage and relates to communication problems between the software developer and the end-user. If misalignment of the end vision is not dealt with at the early stages – the next phase of the process is either forced to be put on hold or the parties continue on unaware leading to the problem being exacerbated in the latter stages.

Respond to the following three questions:
Have you participated in the creation of a project that failed?
Why did it fail?
Based on the System Development Life Cycle Model, what could have been done to help the project succeed?

Remember, the SDLC can be applied to almost any activity (including meal preparation or a move or buying a car, etc.). If you have never participated in a project that failed, you can use an example of a project that you have heard of or you can just provide your opinion on what you think might be some of the causes of failed projects. Base your responses on the phases of the SDLC.
If someone is interested in a model that applies to teamwork development, take a look at Tuckman’s model. This .pdf file contains a description of Tuchman and his model.

Sample Solution

Yes, I have participated in the creation of a project that failed. The project was intended to create an online database for a research laboratory, to help researchers store and access information quickly and easily. Unfortunately, the project failed due to miscommunication between team members and stakeholders about requirements and expectations. There was also inadequate budgeting for resources needed for the project from its inception, as well as poor planning on behalf of the management team.

Based on the System Development Life Cycle Model (SDLC), there are several steps that could have been taken in order to ensure success of this project. During the initiation phase, it is important that clear requirements are established before any development begins; this includes conducting stakeholder meetings with all parties involved so everyone understands what is expected within timeline, budget and scope parameters (Dakineyev & Mirkin 2020). Additionally, during the design phase it is essential to create a detailed plan which outlines how tasks will be completed throughout each step of development (Ganta et al., 2017). This can include creating flow diagrams or use case diagrams which outline specific user stories or tasks associated with particular steps in development (Ganta et al., 2018; Muckelbauer et al., 2019). Finally during implementation it is critical that feedback loops be established so any problems or issues can be immediately addressed without delaying progress further down the line (Muckelbauer et al., 2019).

In conclusion, if these steps had been taken from initiation through implementation stages of SDLC model, there would have been more proper communication among all stakeholders regarding expectations, better planning on behalf of the management team when considering resource allocation budgets and overall improved flowchart models which would affect decision making processes positively along all stages of development.


The coin throw may be one example, however there are others. Some others are the “even totals” (Puncture, 2014). The level aggregates design is including the numbers in each line and getting their totals. In the event that you continue to do this, you see the example where the aggregate copies at each line (Puncture, 2014).

Another example is the “types of 11” design (Puncture, 2014). In this example, first, you raise 11 to 0 (110), then you raise it to the numbers after 0 (for instance, 110, 111, 112, 113… ). The way this connects with Pascal’s Triangle is that 110 = 1, and the number in the principal column in Pascal’s Triangle is 1. 111 = 11, and the numbers in the subsequent column are 1, 1. 112 = 121, and the numbers in the third line are 1, 2, 1. This continues et cetera (Puncture, 2014).

You may be taking a gander at the image above and pondering, “What do I do with regards to the force of 5?” What you do it you would have to cover and add the numbers into the crate before the number. The image to the extreme left shows visuals.

Pascal’s Triangle: Starting points and Development

Some could imagine that Pascal’s triangle was found by Blaise Pascal, however they would be erroneous. Pascal’s triangle originally showed up, on paper, on the cover sheet for the Number-crunching of Petrus Apianus in 1527 which was before Pascal was conceived. Pascal’s triangle properties were first created by Chinese mathematician, Jia Xian, in the eleventh hundred years. His triangle was additionally considered and created, spreading the word, by one more Chinese Mathematician, Yang Hui, in the thirteenth hundred years. Since the triangle was promoted by Yang Hui, it is typically named Yanghui triangle in China. (See connected page.) Yang Hui made his own rendition of Pascal’s Triangle by utilizing pole numerals. Bar numerals were a number framework utilized by the old Chinese. They referred to it as “筹” (pinyin: chóu). (They were little bars around 3-14 cm long) (Hosch, 2009).

~Yang Hui Triangle

One more way that Pascal’s Triangle had developed was from twentieth century Clean mathematician, Wacław Sierpiński. Sierpiński further fostered the considerations of the multitude of mathematicians that let to a fractal known as the Sierpinski contraption (photograph at the extreme left) (Hosch, 2009).


There are numerous things to be familiar with Pascal’s Triangle. (This one thought branches off into a lot more points not referenced in this paper.) Pascal’s Triangle was crafted by one man, yet crafted by numerous men on a similar thought. This shows that, it could be said, cooperation makes the fantasy work. In this cas

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