System of government that relies on Representative Democracy.






Our founding fathers created a system of government that relies on Representative Democracy. Many American voters do not understand exactly what our representatives do. Use the “Interactive Learning module” linked here: (Links to an external site.) to work the “Deciding How to Vote in Congress,” “Some Public Criticisms of Congress,” and The Dynamic Legislative Process” learning modules (see the menu on the left after you click on the link above). Using the material presented in each learning module, write a page or more on what you learned in each module. More information on what to include on each module in your essay is below:

How a Member Decides to Vote: In this module you need to report your experiences as you participated in the activity. Be specific. Describe the different viewpoints presented regarding the issue of the “flag amendment” that is presented in the module and report what you thought about those viewpoints. Be specific. For example your paper should report “Who said What and Why” regarding the issues. Your paper should also contain several sentences of analysis regarding each “Who said What and Why” presented in the module. How did you vote? Why? What viewpoints influenced you? Why? What did you learn? Did the activity cause you to become more concerned about the viewpoints of others? Do you have any comments about the process?

Public Criticisms of Congress: Describe the different Criticisms of Congress presented during the activity. Analyze each criticism and report your viewpoint regarding the criticism. Again, be specific. Each viewpoint presented must be reported, along with your viewpoint regarding the criticism.

The Dynamic Legislative Process: Compare the textbook version of how a bill becomes a law to the Dynamic Legislative Process presented in the module.


Sample Solution

Levasseur, R. E. (2011) in here he discussed how Tuckman studied the process “ by which groups develop and categorized this process into four stages: forming, storming, norming, and performing. In the forming (F) stage, a group of individuals comes together for a specific purpose and spends an initial period adjusting to one another and the stated group goal. Fueled by resistance to group influence and to task requirements for achieving the group goal, the storming (S) stage is generally characterized by a significant relationship (i.e., interpersonal) conflict”.
Before the team is formed, it is going to be a group of people with individual entities. Once the decision is made to form a team(stage1) then the members have concerns about their team members like how they are going to be, will they cooperate with the work, the purpose of the mission and what takes to get the most out of each other etc., During the forming(F) stage each member should try to understand and ask others questions so that each can learn from other.

The next stage that we have is Storming(S). This is considered a conflict stage, usually, team members will be struggling with their individual work. To be a highly successful team you shouldn

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