Our founding fathers created a system of government that relies on Representative Democracy. Many American voters do not understand exactly what our representatives do. Use the “Interactive Learning module” linked here: https://corg.iu.edu/resources/interactives/modules/EAS/stub.htm (Links to an external site.) to work the “Deciding How to Vote in Congress,” “Some Public Criticisms of Congress,” and The Dynamic Legislative Process” learning modules (see the menu on the left after you click on the link above). Using the material presented in each learning module, write a page or more on what you learned in each module. More information on what to include on each module in your essay is below:
How a Member Decides to Vote: In this module you need to report your experiences as you participated in the activity. Be specific. Describe the different viewpoints presented regarding the issue of the “flag amendment” that is presented in the module and report what you thought about those viewpoints. Be specific. For example your paper should report “Who said What and Why” regarding the issues. Your paper should also contain several sentences of analysis regarding each “Who said What and Why” presented in the module. How did you vote? Why? What viewpoints influenced you? Why? What did you learn? Did the activity cause you to become more concerned about the viewpoints of others? Do you have any comments about the process?
Public Criticisms of Congress: Describe the different Criticisms of Congress presented during the activity. Analyze each criticism and report your viewpoint regarding the criticism. Again, be specific. Each viewpoint presented must be reported, along with your viewpoint regarding the criticism.
The Dynamic Legislative Process: Compare the textbook version of how a bill becomes a law to the Dynamic Legislative Process presented in the module.
Sample Solution
Of Studies by Bacon
In Of Studies, Bacon describes the importance of studies in human life. Bacon begins the essay by enlisting three purposes of studies: to delight, for ornament and for ability. For delight, Bacon means one’s personal, private education; for ornament, he means in conversation between and among others, which Bacon labels as Discourse; studies for ability lead one to judgment in business and related pursuits. Bacon’s influence can be seen still today through the active organizations of the Royal Society and Freemasonry in addition to revealing itself in the historic writings of our founding fathers and through the teachings of the esoteric Rosicrucians. Bacon’s essay of studies deals with the benefits of studies for the individuals in their daily lives. From reading books to writing papers, study plays a vital role in a man’s life making him learned, witty and experienced.
iPhone 5s Versus iPhone 6
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iphone comparisonThe publicity around Apple items appears endless. The organization’s declaration of another item gathers a large number of perspectives; individuals stand lines before Apple stores to get another contraption—just to come at a similar spot a year later, yearning for another item. Among the organization’s ongoing oddities is the iPhone 6—a more up to date and further developed form of the most famous telephone on the planet. Be that as it may, the past model—iPhone 5s—appeared to have been fulfilling individuals’ needs fine too. All in all, what is the distinction? Is the iPhone 6 worth spending additional cash on it?
The most evident distinction is that the new iPhone has a greater and more extensive presentation—it is currently 4.7 crawls in inclining, contrasted with the 4 inches that its forerunner had. The new model has a bigger goals, which is 1334 x 750. The innovation utilized in the screen is designated “Retina HD,” and is known to be truly outstanding (if not the best) screen advancements, permitting to move profound, immersed, and reasonable hues. iPhone 5s had in no way like that in its weapons store. The two telephones have reinforced glass covering the presentation, yet the sixth model likewise has an improved polarizer.
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The general structure has not changed a lot, setting aside the way that the iPhone 6 is greater. It is more slender (6.8mm thick, contrasted with the 7.9mm of the past model), and somewhat lighter; the distinctions are so unobtrusive, notwithstanding, that they are not worth referencing. The two models are made of aluminum, and have the unmistakable round catch at the base. As of now, several tech spectators twist around themselves attempting to demonstrate that iPhone 6 is substantially more agreeable to utilize, that it fits a hand of a normal individual splendidly, etc. Be that as it may, every one of these onlookers are presumably male. iPhone 5s, in spite of the fact that having a littler screen, fits hands of ladies and adolescents, while the new model helps to remember a scoop, or of a normal Samsung telephone: alright to utilize in the event that you are a man with an enormous hand, however not happy for ladies.
The equipment contrasts between iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 are likewise not evident to an ordinary client (given that this client isn’t a tech geek). iPhone 6 uses a 64-piece Apple A8 double center, while the more seasoned model has the A7 one. The two models have 1GB RAM ready. iPhone 6 additionally has a M8 co-processor (M7 co-processor in the iPhone 5s). The two models work fine with iOS 8. The two cameras are customarily ideal for semi-proficient use. iPhone 6 works around 10 hours in talk mode, and this outcome is somewhat superior to anything the past model with 8 hours of battery life on talk mode.
The two telephones are top notch items, ready to fulfill the requirements of any individual who utilizes them. On the off chance that you are not a nerd who thinks about processor frequencies, or a creator who has the eye to separate all the CMYK shading range, there is no requirement for you to refresh from your iPhone 5s.
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