March 8, 2020


Discuss the many details of entrepreneurship, but what does it take to be an entrepreneur? Identify and discuss new ventures that fit each of the four […]
June 29, 2021


    Gathering from what you learnt in the last class, Define Small Business50-100 words Entrepreneurship
June 30, 2021

Entrepreneurship Write a quick analysis of how this may effect Because Intelligence: What are the benefits and threats of running a startup when the market […]
August 3, 2021


  Choose from one of the topics that we will discuss in this course: 1.Social Entrepreneurship 2 Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurs 3.Pathways to Entrepreneurial Ventures […]
August 10, 2022

Entrepreneurship business plan

      On Week 1 I asked you to think as an entrepreneur and come up with a new product or service you would like […]
September 15, 2022


    In section 5.4 answer the following about Calera. Describe each of the following for Calera:   entrepreneur opportunity product concept resources market entry
January 10, 2023


  A Restaurant have an interest in creating a new grading system for their customers with a new application. This is critical as the restaurant wants […]