April 22, 2020

Western Civilization

Using the primary sources from a particular chapter or chapters of your Primary Source Reader (Sources of the Making of the West-Volume 1) or any primary […]
May 1, 2020

Western Civilization

Select 5 out of the 10 terms below to define and discuss. Agriculture Revolution Tyranny Thirty Tyrants Alexander the Great Consuls Patron-Client System 3rd Century Crisis […]
June 28, 2020

Western Civilization

ead chapters 12, 13, & 14 and trace the consequences of the Black Death to changes that led to the Italian Renaissance and to the Protestant […]
June 29, 2020

“The Vietnam Trilogy”

Film As History Paper 1: “The Vietnam Trilogy” Question: Oliver Stone looks at a specific event (The Vietnam War) from a number of different perspectives. Does […]
July 17, 2020

Western civilization

What shaped Western culture in the period 1300–1550 more: the Black Death’s emphasis on the afterlife (the hereafter) or the Renaissance’s emphasis on human achievement (the […]
September 10, 2020

Western civilization

  The Scientific Revolution consisted of several challenges to the existing order. Discuss some of the ideas presented in this video such as the ideas of […]
September 16, 2020

Western Civilization

  After watching, discuss with your classmates your definition for what the Enlightenment was, how influential it was in areas such as government and education, and […]
November 1, 2020

Western civilization

    After watching, what do you think the biggest difference technology made between the US Civil War and World War I? IS technology the reason […]
February 18, 2021

Western Civilization

    In 300 words, first discuss how weapons, discipline, and the strategy of war changed in the late 1600’s. Second, describe the resolution of the […]