Taking your business international

Your record label company is considering opening a new operation internationally. The strategic management
division is in the process of evaluating the specific locations for such an operation. The pool of candidate
countries has included all countries except the United States, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic. By
analyzing the data available, choose one country, and support your choice with research. Write an APA paper
convincing your peers of your decision. Include a brief description of your company’s product and the
objectives of the new international venture. Back up all your findings with facts and real data.
**I’m choosing Canada as the country of choice for this paper. The name of my Record label is going to be
“Blue Diamond Records”**
The product that my record label will offer is music, merchandise, events (tours) and hip hop artist. *The main
product is music.* The purpose of my international venture is to expand the record labels distribution to a larger
Make sure to include:
Economic data
Political and investment climate
Market overview
Country ratings
1. APA paper (please use template)
2. Two to three pages (body)
3. Must include a cover page and reference page
4. Please submit your file in a Microsoft Word document
5. At least three references (in APA format)

Sample Solution

formation, but they also serve for creation of mood – the whole emotional influence on the recipient, similarly as music. Mostly, in advertising, dealing with colour, shape, and font, as well as with perception of persons or specific emotions. It is noteworthy to understand that knowing of each of the elements may differ in various cultures and social classes, because the advertisements are formed by the culture and, on the contrary, assist them to form the bind. It is not possible to rely on generally valid symbols, because they are culturally determined. The advertising presents the product in relation with standards related to a supposed lifestyle of a certain social group and the presented products may become symbols of social status on the basis of effective advertising campaign”, psychologist Elena Hradiská points out.
Advertisement construct, form and manipulate the perception and the behaviour of its consumers and the outside. All the symbols are paying an immeasurable service of presenting and apprehending the culture and the world. Theoretical background clearly immerge the interdisciplinary doctrine with vast range of topics to make consciousness on the academics and public on this purpose.

One of the most prominent theories, Mick’s schema theory has fused semiotics and showed the viewer’s its capacity of specialization of the social structure, processing and involving attitudes, memory and cognition as well as written and spoken text. Goal, knowledge and text schemata are the three popular genres of schema theory of Mick proposed into marketing communication research. The goal and knowledge schemata are important factors and probably make the relations with both marketers and consumers. According to Mick, the text schemata mainly involves in the linguistic massages in marketing communication. This schema theory has the ability to enrich the marketing communication study.
Some scholars like Sherry highlighted that the advertising is a cultural docum

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