Teachers Values


Identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected taxonomy level, using a video presentation format.

The goal is you learn a few elements of technology NOW so that when you get in the classroom, it will be easy (and comfortable!) to implement technology into your lessons.

· How to use specific technology

· What is the appropriate technology and software to use with your students?

· How to ensure honesty in use and respect for the equipment

· How technology enhanced the curriculum

· What benefits technology does for instruction and assessment of a lesson?

Sample Solution

Bloom’s Taxonomy and Technology Apps: Engaging Lessons through Tech Integration

Here are two technology apps aligned with each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy to inspire your video presentations and classroom technology use:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Apps Description & How it Aligns
Remembering 1. Quizlet Quizlet allows creating and sharing flashcards for memorization. Students can use built-in games and study modes to recall facts, definitions, and key concepts.
Remembering 2. Socrative This app enables creating quick quizzes, polls, and exit tickets. It’s ideal for formative assessment and gauging student understanding of basic concepts.
Understanding 1. Explain Everything This interactive whiteboard app lets students explain concepts by recording their screen with audio narration. It encourages them to translate knowledge into their own words and identify relationships between ideas.
Understanding 2. ThingLink ThingLink allows creating interactive images with embedded videos, text, and audio. Students can use it to annotate images, explain processes, or create multimedia presentations that demonstrate comprehension.
Applying 1. Kahoot! This gamified learning platform turns quizzes into engaging competitions. Students can apply their knowledge by answering questions and competing with classmates.
Applying 2. Minecraft Education Edition This educational version of Minecraft allows students to build virtual worlds and solve problems collaboratively. It fosters creativity and application of knowledge in a simulated environment.
Analyzing 1. Popplet This mind mapping tool helps students brainstorm, organize ideas, and identify connections between concepts. It promotes critical thinking and analysis of information.
Analyzing 2. Nearpod This interactive presentation app lets teachers embed polls, quizzes, open ended questions, and discussions within presentations. Students can analyze information and participate actively, fostering deeper understanding.
Evaluating 1. Flipgrid This video response platform allows students to record short videos to answer questions or express their opinions. It encourages evaluation of ideas, arguments, and evidence.
Evaluating 2. Edpuzzle This app allows teachers to edit existing videos, adding questions, voiceovers, and annotations. Students can evaluate the information presented in the video and form their own conclusions.
Creating 1. Canva This graphic design platform offers easy-to-use tools for creating presentations, posters, infographics, and other visuals. It empowers students to present their knowledge in creative and engaging formats.
Creating 2. iMovie This video editing app allows students to create short films, documentaries, or presentations with video clips, photos, music, and voiceovers. It fosters creativity, storytelling, and synthesis of information.

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Additional Tips for Technology Integration:

  • Focus on Learning Objectives: Align the chosen technology app with specific learning objectives of your lesson plan.
  • Prioritize Student Engagement: Technology should enhance, not replace, traditional teaching methods. Choose apps that actively engage students in the learning process.
  • Model and Scaffold: Before launching students into apps, demonstrate their use and provide clear instructions. Offer scaffolding and support as needed.
  • Digital Citizenship: Integrate lessons on responsible technology use, including proper citation of online resources, cybersecurity, and online etiquette.
  • Assessment: Consider how the chosen app can be used for formative or summative assessment.

By following these tips and exploring the suggested apps, you can effectively leverage technology to create engaging and effective lessons that cater to all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.


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