Teaching method

Describe a teaching method you have observed or used that was effective in encouraging active participation by the learner. At least 400 words in APA format. With scholarly references.

Sample Answer

Teaching methods encompasses the techniques and procedures adopted and applied by teachers in the process of imparting knowledge to students. These techniques are variant depending on the subject and the ability and category of student to which it is applied. The most common teaching methods can be simplified into teacher centered and student centered. In teacher centered method, the teacher is the focus of knowledge and dictates everything within the class and students are viewed as empty vessels to be filled. On the other hand, student centered method focuses on active engagement of students in the process of learning through class presentations and responding to questions.

As indicated by John Berger, "Men take a gander at ladies. Ladies watch themselves being taken a gander at. This decides most relations among people as well as the connection of ladies to themselves." (1972:42). With this thesis concentrating on the sex relationship and utilizing the "male look" hypothesis as the key component to inspire a social marvel called "male centric society". To hint of the expression of "male look", this thesis will think back to the " Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" by Laura Mulvey which was distributed in 1975. Inside her paper, Mulvey proclaim that in a motion picture ladies are commonly the items, instead of a holder, look is because of the control of the camera originates from the components, for example, the assumption of hetero men as the default target spectators for most film classes. Additionally, Mulvey accepts that sexual externalization is similar with the male look, as the two speculations have affected the sex relationship of our way of life, and it's being a significant piece of the male centric request. Subsequently, this paper will likewise investigate the sexual generalization and the man centric society, and their relationship. While the Hollywood heroes were overwhelmingly male, the establishment idea of men as the watchers and ladies as saw still applies today. All in all, how does these woman's rights film speculations identified with the computer games? Especially the expectation of hetero, they are both pointed for the most part at the male spectators, and both the motion picture and computer game contain the account component.

This task will concentrate explicitly on the contemporary game ventures and the utilization of those games. Since the emerge of the computer games, the game business diffusely still treat ladies predominantly as an article to exhibit their sexual trademark. By the by, computer game isn't only a story action as the film, as Adrienne Shaw stated, "games are intelligent as far as their ludic and account properties, yet they are likewise substantial and socially intuitive. These elements shape players' association with game writings and if or how they relate to on-screen characters" (2015:98). Computer game is a movement that contains both account and intelligent component, thus, this exposition will show the contrasts between the story film and the intuitive story gaming, and how the male look male centric society still prevailing in such computer games. Besides, a few people contend that video gaming is only a sort of media, is a second dimensional item, what occur in the computer game doesn't influence or identify with the truth. In any case, Michel Foucault-a French postmodernist; which has been gigantically compelling in forming the understandings of intensity. He distinguish the power as a medium that influence the considering people and build our general public, and the "control" which is including numerous perspective, film, music, books, and the computer game without a doubt. He expressed, "Power is all over the place and originate from all over the place, so in this sense is neither an organization nor a structure." (Foucault1998: 63). Thusly, this paper will show how the man centric component in computer game isn't simply reflect, is even educates and standardizes the social situation of our general public. To accomplish the undertaking referenced above, utilizing a computer game with high prominence "Fabulous Theft Auto 5" as a distinct advantage to demonstrate that how the "male centric society" still dynamic in a medium that contain both story and intuitive. Besides, the contextual analysis of this game will be spread from the game spread, characters, and gaming framework, which expected to have an increasingly broad and target result. Along these lines, this thesis will talk about how the "male look" "man controlled society" still command in the contemporary gaming society as an establishment to develop the contention.

Writing Review:

Male Gaze

A preliminary of the male look, it is essential to characterize its major idea. What is look? The look is a thought utilized for breaking down the visual culture, which manage how the crowds see the individuals exhibited. The sorts of look are basically characterized by who is doing the looking. To present the expression "male look", it was first risen up out of a paper entitled " Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema", distributed in 1975 by Laura Mulvey. Mulvey expressed, " In a world arranged by sexual irregularity, delight in looking has been part between dynamic/male and uninvolved/female. The deciding male look extends its phantasy on to the female structure, which is styled likewise. In their conventional show off job ladies are all the while took a gander at and showed, with their appearance coded for solid visual and suggestive effect so they can be said to indicate to-be-took a gander at-ness." (1975:19). Mulvey utilize mental hypothesis as a secret weapon to delineate how the patriarchic intuitive of our general public shape the film. With what she stated, the film is sorted out along lines, which is applicable to the social intuitive with the male controlled society. Her principle contention in "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" is that the Hollywood account films use ladies as an item so as to offer a pleasurable visual for the men. The story film develop the as manly. Ladies are consistently the object of the look from men, however not the carrier of it, as she notify ladies "the conveyor of significance, not creator of importance." (1975:58). Also, Mulvey believe that the realistic look is constantly created as the manly viewpoint, which including the methods for the distinguishing proof produced with the male saint and by means of the utilization of the camera. Furthermore, there are two structures in which the Hollywood film produces delight, structures which rise up out of various mental components. The first is the typification of the pictures, while the subsequent one is the generalization with it. The two instruments are speaking to the psychological wants of men. She reasons that the imbalance of the sex control is overwhelming in the film and developed for the delight of the male onlooker, while it is profoundly established in man centric belief systems and talks.

What Mulvey show in her paper, it is a piece of the film hypothesis, in any case, the male look is a term or belief system that can generally applied on numerous angles, instead of just motion picture. For example, design. Instead of simply being an object of the look before the camera, male look is as yet alive in our way of life or even day by day life, as Negrin state in "Women's liberation and Fashion", "Style was viewed principally as an instrument of abuse where ladies were transformed into latent objects of the male look" (2008:33) Therefore, design is one of the mechanical assembly that lead the female become the object of the male look. Consequently, aside from the film hypothesis, male look still can apply on different viewpoints, which become an extremely regular sexual orientation relationship in the contemporary culture.

The male look occur when the camera or sight remains on the hetero male observer point of view, for example, it might concentrate on the bends of a female's body. Those ladies are typically appeared on two changed viewpoints. The first is as a sexual article for both the characters inside the film, and the second is for the group of spectators who is viewing the motion picture. As the goal of the film is constantly pointed for the most part at the male group of spectators, subsequently, its build an asymmetry condition, the lady is consistently the inactive side, while the man is the dynamic one. As per Wykes and Barrie Gunter remark on male look's pictures, " For Berger these pictures record the imbalance of sex relations and a sexualization of the female picture that remaining parts socially focal today. They console men of their sexual power and at a similar minute preclude any sexuality from claiming ladies other than the male development. They are proof of gendered contrast… on the grounds that any push to supplant the lady in these pictures with a man disregards 'the suspicions of the possible watcher' (Berger, 1972:64). That is, it doesn't fit with desires however violates them thus appears to be off-base." (2005:38-39). Under such condition, Mulvey contends that, the male look is for the most part having need over the female look in the standard film, which is mirroring the sex disparity.

Man controlled society

This disparity can be ascribed to male centric society that has been characterized as a social philosophy embedded in the conviction frameworks of Western culture and the male centric social orders. Some women's activist (David A. J. Richards) characterizes male controlled society as an uncalled for social framework that implements the sex jobs and is harsh to for both male and female. Which guys are holding the essential power, commanding in jobs of political initiative, moral position, social benefit and the control of property. Those women's activist as a rule practice male controlled society as a social development, which can be vanquish by uncovering and fundamentally breaking down its indications. Before the across the board utilization of the expression "man centric society", women's activist would utilize "male closed-mindedness" and "sexism" to depict the comparable wonder. Chime Hooks, a women's activist, contend that "man controlled society" distinguishes the ideological framework itself, which men are intrinsically predominant or better than ladies, and that can be accepted and acted, by either men or ladies, while those old terms just suggest men as an oppressor of ladies. Generally, the term man controlled society was utilized to portray the oppressive principle by the male, the pioneer of a family. In any case, in contemporary society, it is alluding to the social belief system where the men for the most part hold the power by and large. As Sylvia Walby places male centric society seems to be "an arrangement of social structures, and practices in which men command, persecute and misuse ladies" (1990:214). What Wably said is characterizing male centric society as an unreasonable social framework; it frequently incorporates the social instrument that raises men predominance over ladies. What's more, Sylvia Walby has bring up six covering structures, which characterize male centric society and that take various structures in various societies and various occasions. Which are

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