Technology and Information Literacy

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has determined nine broad areas of core competence that apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless of specialty or patient population focus. NONPF created the first set of Nurse Practitioner Competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2017. This course was designed to prepare you to synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program and to apply each of the nine core competencies within your selected areas of practice and your representative communities.

The nine areas of competency are:

Scientific Foundations
Practice Inquiry
Technology and Information Literacy
Health Delivery System
Independent Practice
To Prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the NONPF Core Competencies Content.

For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet the competency (for a total of at least nine paragraphs). Then, propose how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Finally, describe 1–2 legislative and/or advocacy activities in which your state nurse practitioner organization(s) are involved. Be specific and provide examples.


Sample Solution

Inspiration Motivation is again a result of good administration. Inspiration is profoundly private, and it is the pioneers liability to figure out what propels every person and carry out strategies to get most extreme execution from a gathering. The significance of the pioneers job in inspiring people is featured in Herzberg’s Two Factor hypothesis. The hypothesis features factors that should be set up to keep away from disappointment, cleanliness endlessly factors that advance fulfillment, inspiration factors, displayed in Figure 4 (Pettinger, 2007). Herzberg’s hypothesis assists with unraveling what persuades people, yet doesn’t prompt on the most proficient method to execute this to create greatest efficiency from an individual, this is accomplished by involving the hypothesis related to other inspirational speculations, for example, objective setting hypothesis. Figure 4: Hygiene and Motivating Factors (Pettinger,, 2006) Goal setting isn’t simply a significant piece of inspiration, they are fundamental for both cooperation and effective administration, they give sign on what should be accomplished, how much exertion they should dedicated to accomplish it and they go about as the essential cause of occupation inspiration for people, subsequently setting them precisely is fundamental (Pettinger 2007). Explicit and clear objectives are the best inspirations, and will prompt ideal execution, subsequently it becomes fundamental for a pioneer to figure out what persuades every person inside a gathering (Pettinger, 2007). Inspiration is profoundly private, and can vary hugely across a gathering, so the pioneer should adjust how they spur to suit every person, this features the requirement for an association to carry out arrangements that permit chiefs to be adaptable by they way they reward people. Issues emerge when objectives are not set well, in the event that the objectives are uncertain, unattainable or too simple the singular will lose inspiration (Pettinger, 2007). Whenever objectives have been set it becomes fundamental for pioneers to routinely evaluate how people are advancing towards them, in the event that well, objectives ought to be made really testing, on the off chance that they are battling, the objectives ought to be made simpler. Objectives additionally take into account pioneer to evaluate how the group are performing, and the way that their authority style is working with the gathering, in the event that objectives are not being met the pioneer should adjust how the group cooperate together or their administration style to accomplish them.

Ends The hypotheses talked about give a structure to grasping collaboration, administration and inspiration, but frequently are simply appropriate to particular circumstances so don’t make an interpretation of adequately into training and ought to be utilized carefully. Clear associations and codependency exist between the speculations, and at last by and by turns into the obligation of the pioneer to entwine them to accomplish most extreme execution from a gathering. For authoritative way of behaving to find true success, initiative should try cha

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