Technology Infrastructure


Provide a technical description of 4B/5B Digital Encoding Scheme. Contrast it with the Manchester scheme. Explain how and why it provides better data rates.
Create a ranked table (see below) based on transmission speed, comparing three types of twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, microwave, and satellite. A total of seven media. Include distances and typical installation use cases.
Type of Media

Transmission Speed


Typical installation use cases

Using your favorite search engine, include an image or create a diagram comparing a low earth satellite deployment with a geosynchronous satellite deployment in a situation where you would need 24/7 coverage of the whole earth as your basic criteria. The image or diagram should include ground stations and appropriate locations. (Hint: all satellites (GEO and LEO) and ground stations need to be included and/or labeled).
Provide a comparison of the difference in expense (cost) of the two different solutions (Cite your source).
Include in the response the importance of satellites to wireless communication and connectivity.
Include a relevant reference.
Discuss the data communication features of USB standards and implementation. What are the pros and cons of using USB drives? In your opinion, what is a portable alternative to the USB drive?

Sample Solution

4B/5B Digital Encoding Scheme is a line code for transmitting data over digital links, used primarily in Gigabit Ethernet networks. It works by encoding four bits of data into five-bit symbols, allowing it to be sent more efficiently over the network while still maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the original signal. Unlike other codes such as Manchester, which only encodes two bits per symbol, 4B/5B allows for higher bitrates and longer transmission distances without sacrificing reliability or performance. This makes it well suited for high speed LANs as well as long distance WANs.

When compared to Manchester Code, 4B/5B offers much faster transmission rates since it encodes four bits into each symbol rather than just two. Additionally, 4B/5b does not require any clock recovery circuitry due to its self synchronizing nature; this allows for simpler and cheaper hardware implementations which reduces overall costs associated with network installations. Lastly, this encoding scheme provides better error detection capabilities making it more reliable when transmitting across unreliable mediums such as wireless links where interference is more common.

Media Transmission Speed(Mbps) Distance (Km) Typical Installation Use Case
Twisted Pair 100-1000 100-500 LANs; WANs; VDSL
Coaxial Cable 10-20 Gbps 500–2000 Cable TV & broadband internet
Fiber Optic Cable 100Gbps 40-80 km Long range networks & backbone connections
Microwave 5–10 Gbps 30–50km Point-to point wireless bridge connections
Satellite Up to 400 Mbps Several thousand kilometers Broadband Internet access in remote areas.

conomic opportunity prompts public fulfillment. Private enterprise gives more opportunity, financial etc., than socialism. Numerous things characteristic to financial prosperity, like substance with the public authority framework, the presence of development, rivalry, and worldwide economies. Every one of these fundamental ascribes of monetary prosperity are associated with private enterprise and the impacts it has on the world. Private enterprise is more effective in keeping a steady government and saving harmony rather than socialism, since private enterprise gives the crowded more monetary opportunity.

Financial Paradigms like unrestricted economy private enterprise, Keynesianism, and Marxism affect the Cold War. Keynesianism is the most un-outrageous of these standards since it advocates for government impedance in the midst of emergency, like downturns. Unregulated economy private enterprise is the idea of the economy being liberated from government control. The market depends on the requirements of the makers and customers. Milton Friedman and Adam Smith two or three trailblazers of the possibility of uncontrolled economies, and the possibility that the economy adjust itself. Smith accepted that the economy didn’t should be altered, on the grounds that market interest represented the progressions with no expected altering. This is something contrary to Marxist Economics, which is the idea that the business sectors should be controlled and arranged. Communist supporters accept that free enterprise is essentially a phase in the process expected to arrive at the ultimate objective of a controlled market. These are two clashing thoughts that frequently isolated the political left side from the right.

Free enterprise has suggestions a long ways past monetary viewpoints. Nations or state run administrations with socialist monetary frameworks have encountered more political uprisings and transformations than nations with entrepreneur economies. The Cold War furnishes evidence of how nations with entrepreneur economies win above socialist economies. Hong Kong shows how financial opportunity prompts more joyful individuals, and blissful individuals regularly don’t endeavor to oust government frameworks. Private enterprise is a compelling strategy for staying away from go

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