Telemedicine is a new adaptive way healthcare providers interact with their patients through technology. It is a revolutionary way in which patients can have access to healthcare from a remote location. “According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS), Telemedicine is ‘a service that seeks to improve a patient’s health by permitting two-way, real-time interactive communication between the patient and the physician at a distant site’” (Kichloo et al., 2020). There are some great pros when it comes to telemedicine, the main one being the fact that patients can communicate with their primary care providers and give them updates relating to any health concerns that they may have. With the convenience of telehealth or telemedicine I believe it makes it easier for patients to keep up contact with their healthcare providers, creating a stronger interpersonal communicable relationship. Decrease waiting times, and overall convenience and accessibility are perks of telehealth that people will continue to find attractive. Additionally studies need to be conducted in order to prove a significant impact on differences, benefits, and patient satisfaction related to telehealth. “While interpersonal skills in telehealth may positively impact clinical practice, patient engagement and outcomes, assessment strategies are lacking” (Henry et al., 2021). Hopefully studies will show evidence of improved interpersonal communication between patients and nurse practitioners. For patients who do not have urgent matters that can wait until their scheduled appointment times I know telehealth and telemedicine are valuable and convenient assests.
Advances in technology are rapidly changing the practice of primary care. Primary care providers now offer care for you without an in-person office visit. It is done primarily online with internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.” Called Telehealth. In-person and telehealth both require the skill of good therapeutic communication to accelerate patient satisfaction, and add on, therapeutic communication would remain the same in both a nurse and NP set. Therapeutic communication is an invaluable approach to patient interactions that is applicable across multiple disciplines. This activity reviews therapeutic communication, including its history, definition, and applications, and explains the interprofessional team’s role in improving patient care through therapeutic communication. ( Sharma & Gupta,2022).
Therapeutic communication is one part of nursing assessment and care. To provide high-quality care, predictors of effective implementation of therapeutic communication should be recognized (Fite et al.,2019). “Therapeutic communication consists of specific techniques including the use of open-ended questions, touch, focusing, giving information, acknowledging, clarifying, reflecting, silence, and offering self, to establish a nurse-patient relationship based on mutual trust and respect.”(Kleier, 2013). Patient-centered communication has been associated with better outcomes, including increased adherence to treatment plants, improved patient health, increased satisfaction, accurate diagnoses, and reduced malpractice risk (Kleier, 2013). NPS is often evaluated on the number of patients seen, so it is essential not to lose the essence of nursing, patient-centered care through therapeutic communication in the future.
ntly, jus promotion bellum contains a few circumstances yet in particular: noble motivation and proportionality. This gives individuals an aide regardless of whether entering a war is legitimate. Nonetheless, this is just a single piece of the hypothesis of the simply war. By the by, it tends to be seen over that jus promotion bellum can be bantered all through, showing that there is no conclusive hypothesis of a simply battle, as it is normatively speculated.
Jus in bello
The subsequent area starts translating jus in bello or what activities might we at any point group as passable in wars (Begby et al (2006b), Page 323). To start with, it is never to kill honest individuals in wars, upheld by Vittola’s most memorable suggestion purposefully. This is generally acknowledged as ‘all individuals have a right not to be killed’ and in the event that an officer does, they have disregarded that right and lost their right. This is additionally upheld by “non-warrior resistance” (Frowe (2011), Page 151), which prompts the subject of soldier capability referenced later in the paper. This is validated by the besieging of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, finishing the Second World War, where millions were eagerly killed, just to get the point of war. In any case, here and there regular people are unintentionally killed through battles to accomplish their objective of harmony and security. This is upheld by Vittola, who infers proportionality again to legitimize activity: ‘care should be taken where evil doesn’t offset the potential advantages (Begby et al (2006b), Page 325).’ This is additionally upheld by Frowe who makes sense of it is legitimate to unexpectedly kill, at whatever point the warrior has full information on his activities and looks to finish his point, yet it would include some major disadvantages. In any case, this doesn’t conceal the reality the accidental actually killed blameless individuals, showing impropriety in their activities. In this way, it relies again upon proportionality as Thomson contends (Frowe (2011), Page 141). This prompts question of what meets all requirements to be a soldier, and whether it is legitimate to kill each other as warriors. Soldiers are individuals who are involved straightforwardly or by implication with the conflict and it is legitimate to kill ‘to protect the blameless from hurt… rebuff criminals (Begby et al (2006b), Page 290).However, as referenced above non military personnel can’t be hurt, showing soldiers as the main genuine focuses on, one more state of jus in bello, as ‘we may not utilize the sword against the people who have not hurt us (Begby et al (2006b), Page 314).’ likewise, Frowe proposed warriors should be recognized as soldiers, to keep away from the presence of hit and run combat which can wind up in a higher demise count, for instance, the Vietnam War. In addition, he contended they should be important for the military, carry weapons and apply to the guidelines of jus in bello. (Frowe (2011), Page 101-3). This proposes Frowe looks for a fair, simply battle between two members keeping away from non-warrior passings, yet couldn’t this prompt higher demise rate for soldiers, as the two sides have somewhat equivalent opportunity to win since both utilize comparable strategies? In any case, ostensibly Frowe will contend that soldier can legally kill one another, showing this is simply, which is likewise upheld by Vittola, who states: ‘it is legitimate to draw the blade and use it against transgressors (Begby et al (2006b), Page 309).’ moreover, Vittola communicates the degree of military strategies utilized, yet never arrives at a resolution regardless of whether it’s legal to continue these activities, as he continually tracked down a center ground, where it very well may be legal to do things like this however never consistently (Begby et al (2006b), Page 326-31). This is upheld by Frowe, who estimates the genuine strategies as per proportionality and military need. It relies upon the greatness of how much harm done to each other, to pass judgment on the activities after a conflict. For ex