Tenant rights



Alabama is one of the few states that has resisted requiring that landlords be held responsible for the condition of rental housing. Even with the changes in Alabama’s landlord/tenant laws that became effective 1/1/07, Alabama still lags behind other states on the issue of renters’ rights. Many would argue that tenants have the right to expect clean, safe, habitable housing. Others take the position that the market should drive the suitability of housing, meaning that tenants will move from unsafe, substandard housing to better housing as better housing becomes available. Odds are that you have been a tenant and that you will be a landlord at some point in time. Should the State impose duties on landlords of rental residential property (property intended for human occupancy)? If so, what should those duties be? What rights should tenants have, if any?about 100 words


Sample Solution

Tenant rights

A tenancy is a legal relationship between the owner of property and another party, in which the owner transfers to the other party the right to possess and occupy the property for a defined period of time. During the tenancy, both the landlord and the tenant assume obligations towards each other. The law imposes a number of duties on the landlord and gives the tenant a number of corresponding rights. These include: possession, the landlord must give the tenant the right of possession of the property; habitable condition; and noninterference with use. As a tenant moving into a private rented property, you have a number of rights and responsibilities, just like your landlord: The right to live in a property that`s safe and in a good state of repair; the right to have your deposit returned at the end of the tenancy (provided that you meet the terms of your tenancy agreement); and the right to live in the property undisturbed.

The Waterford lab in Oman is divided into several sections and each department has special tasks. The flow chart below shows the different sect
The Conventional core analysis department is about using different instrument in order to measure the porosity and permeability of fluids using Nitrogen and Helium gases. In addition porosity and permeability are important factors in petroleum.
This section provide an important data related to porosity and permeability in order to get a better understanding in reservoir and flow of different types of fluids using DHP (Digital Helium Porosimeter) and DGP (Digital Gas Porosimeter) devices also VINCI is one of the instruments that used for steady- state processes.
SCAL sectio
Special core analysis section are specialist in understanding petrophysical properties goes beyond special techniques with advance tests to help the client more in estimating their fields.
It is important to note however, that SCAl provide several services in MICP (mercury injection and capillary pressure), FRF (formation resistivity factor), and permeability of fluids especially water, CT scan, and flush cleaning using different solvents.
However, the department provides unique tests related to the above processes in order to ensure the delivery of good quality services and focus on saving costs to the customer.
Therefore, SCAL section is responsible for different fluid analysis at several stages in order to fulfil all the operational requirements and to achieve important results that optimize production and development of the fields.
Other sections
Weatherford laboratories also provide some other services behind the services provided by CCA and SCAL. These services include the basic experiments and requirement to observe several parameters such as temperature, pressure, and type of gas.

Summary of the internship

I have implemented the internship in Weatherford Company, Is one of the international oilfield services company. The company has several sections and the section where I had training is the Weatherford laboratory and is considered one of the main sections in Weatherford. The Weatherford labs are located in Ghala Industrial Estate in Oman.
The company offers internship opportunities to students in different departments for example wireline, product line which include laboratories, and finances related to their major and skills.

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