Define the following terms and provide an example:
1. flex property
2. flex-direction property
3. flex-wrap property
4. justify-content property
The advantage that provided by this procurement to the client is the prices of the project may be lower due to direct contracts with trade contractors. Client no need to pay a premium to accommodate the changes in design. The client has a means of redress to trade contractors through direct contractual links. Overlapping design and construction can reduce the overall project duration.
Design and Manage(DM)
Design and Manage strategy is similar to management contracts. Under a design and manage contract, the contractor is paid a fee and assumes responsibility, not only for works contractors but also for the design team. There are two common variations in design and manage. The first variation is the contractor will take responsibility for project design, management organisation designs and manages the work. It is generally for a fee and delivers the project by employing works contractors as its subcontractors to design or construct. The second variation is the consultant take responsibility to project designer or manager. He is the client’s agent, who designs and manages the work, obtains subcontract tenders from works contractors who then each enter into a direct contract with the client.
This two variation are both benefits at times and quality which means the overall progress is shorter and have better quality. The difference between these two variations are the costs and the risk. The contractor in this DM procurement has been verified to be more expensive than the consultant due to the fact that the contractor needs to take the risk on site during the process of the project.
In conclusion, the most suitable and suggested procurement method to use for this project is Construction Management. The construction manager was appointed to oversee the progress of the project and this may prevent any unreasonable delays occurred by the project. On the other hand, A certain number of funds were provided for this project which capable of ensuring the working capital of the client. Therefore, risks were suppressed to the lowest. Consequently, due to the coincidences and the advantages for this project, time duration of the whole project can be decreased, which may be able to allow