Texas House Bill 3979


Select and study a current legislative bill, research the issue, and determine your
support or opposition to the policy.

Write a Position Statement (50 pts.)
• Description of the bill
• Describe the issue at hand
• Describe the population affected
• Include the target of change
• Identify the key players
• Include benefit or risk for society if bill is approved or not include statistical
evidence to support your position.
• Describe Funding or resources required for the proposal
• Assume your position (are you in support or opposition)
• Validate your position with authoritative references or primary source
• Propose specific recommendations to the bill
Format: 2-3 pages Word document; double spaced. Include a cover page and
Bibliography page with the sources of information cited and referenced.




Sample Solution

Texas House Bill 3979 (HB 3979) is an act that relates to civics instruction policies in public schools in the state of Texas. The bill changes pubic school curriculum in Texas by prohibiting teachers from including controversial topics from the United States` past like racism and the subjugation of people of color. The bill has three sections: section 1 amends subsections (h-10, 9h-2), and (h-3) to Section 28.002 of the Texas Education Code (TEC). The bill introduces founding documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, The Federalist Papers, and Alexis de Tocqueville`s Democracy in America.

understudies. Given the expected worth of such figures propelling scholastic achievement and hence impacting results like maintenance, wearing down, and graduation rates, research is justified as it might give understanding into non-mental techniques that could be of possible benefit to this populace (Lamm, 2000) . Part I: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Introduction The country is encountering a basic lack of medical care suppliers, a deficiency that is supposed to increment in the following five years, similarly as the biggest populace in our country’s set of experiences arrives at the age when expanded clinical consideration is essential (Pike, 2002). Staffing of emergency clinics, centers, and nursing homes is more basic than any time in recent memory as the enormous quantities of ‘people born after WW2’s start to understand the requirement for more continuous clinical mediation and long haul care. Interest in turning into a medical caretaker has disappeared as of late, presumably because of the historical bac

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