You have worked towards the understanding of a particular controversy through your researched, comparative analysis of two policy positions. It is now time for you to take your stand. Write an argument that persuades the audience that your position is the right one and that your position is valid.
While it is generally recommended that you work with the same source material as the compare/contrast essay, you may switch to a new topic at this time if you feel it is necessary. You will want to verify that this is an acceptable topic with your professor before committing to this switch.
Make sure that your essay follows the correct rhetorical pattern. You should have a strongly formulated thesis and be sure to accommodate or counter at least one oppositional claim. Please utilize appropriate research to address your claim fully.
– The essay should be argumentative
– It should include a minimum of two sources.
– Students must demonstrate proficiency in using MLA in-text citations and integrating source materials in the form of summary, paraphrase and/or direct quotes, in creating a Works Cited page for sources used, and in searching pertinent databases (if applicable)
-1,500 word minimum
-Third person formal
As the world moves closer towards embracing renewable energy sources, many countries are debating on how to best proceed when it comes to transitioning away from traditional means of electricity production. An ongoing controversy surrounds the use of nuclear power plants – with some arguing that their adverse environmental impacts far outweigh any potential benefits whereas others suggest that their ability to produce large amounts of electricity without emitting greenhouse gases makes them essential in achieving zero-carbon emissions. After conducting a thorough comparison between these two policy positions, I ultimately take the stance that supporting nuclear power is necessary for meeting our global climate goals .
Firstly , given current technological limitations – nuclear energy remains one most efficient ways producing reliable electricity while also being able reduce carbon footprint significantly (Berkley & Szoka Jr., 2019). Additionally , research has shown that when all costs associated with building/operating such facilities taken into consideration – nuclear power plants remain relatively affordable source energy compared other renewable alternatives (Heitz et al., 2017). Furthermore , advances such as small modular reactors (SMRs) will likely allow us tap into potential local grids — helping promote sustainability both economically environmentally.
In addition , safety regulations currently place around operational sites along with recent investments mass media communication platforms have helped create positive public perception surrounding nuclear industry– allowing citizens feel more secure knowing they can access this form energy without fear accidents or malfunctions occurring (Elliott & McKibbin, 2018). Lastly , if all goes according plan – proponents argue that decommissioned sites could even utilized housing new green industrial centers due existing infrastructure already place– thus furthering efforts towards sustainable development goal set forth by UN back in 2015.
Overall , it clear there valid points made both sides debate surrounding usage of nuclear power plants. However after researching available information — I believe investing time/money into developing safe transmutable nucleons must done order reach achievable targets relating reduction carbon footprints . Thus making inclusion of this form clean energy generation within our global strategy essential component ensuring long-term success safeguarding planet’s future generations.
Section I: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Introduction The country is encountering a basic deficiency of medical care suppliers, a lack that is supposed to increment in the following five years, similarly as the biggest populace in our country’s set of experiences arrives at the age when expanded clinical consideration is vital (Pike, 2002). Staffing of emergency clinics, facilities, and nursing homes is more basic than any time in recent memory as the huge quantities of ‘gen X-ers’ start to understand the requirement for more continuous clinical mediation and long haul care. Interest in turning into a medical caretaker has disappeared lately, likely because of the historical backdrop of the extraordinary and requesting instructive cycle, low compensation, firm and extended periods of time, and fast ‘wear out’ of those rehearsing in the calling (Wharrad, 2003).
A complex oversaw care climate in this country is restricting the dollars accessible to be spent on nursing care. Numerous wellbeing callings, particularly nursing, have the standing of ‘eating their young’ as opposed to offering compelling coaching to develop future medical services suppliers. Because of these variables, the quantity of medical attendants has diminished and businesses regard themselves as understaffed and seeking able work force. Before 2001 the decay had been apparent for a considerable length of time (Sadler, 2003). Nursing schools, public pioneers, medical services pioneers and the overall population is impacted by the absence of Registered Nurses (RNs) accessible.
As the populace ages, the assumption is that a rising number of RNs will be required essentially to keep up with the ongoing degree of medical care. Furthermore, the momentum ecological and political worries of expanding pandemic sickness, event of synthetic and catastrophic events, and expanding dangers of war, requires critical expansions in the medical services labor force (Jefferys, 2001). The public nursing lack and factors that increment the interest for expanding the nursing labor force notwithstanding public, state, and nearby debacles make the potential for a general wellbeing emergency. Nursing programs have endeavored to satisfy need for medical attendants by expanding enlistment and campaigning effectively for expansions in program subsidizing by schools and states for understudies.
Tragically, the issue of nursing understudy weakening hampers the best endeavors of nursing programs and irritates the public lack of Registered Nurses in the United States (Ofori, 2002). In 2003, the National League for Nursing revealed a positive vertical pattern in the nursing labor force supply in any case, the American College of Healthcare Executives (2006) detailed that in 2005, 85% of emergency clinic directors decided medical clinics needed more enlisted medical attendants to fulfill patient consideration needs. The United States Bureau of Labor insights showed by 2014, more than 1.2 million new and substitution nursing positions would be expected to meet the public medical services needs (Ramsburg, 2007).
Various broad endeavors to diminish weakening have been made by nursing programs including reinforcing affirmation methods and executing maintenance programs. Unfortunately, the issues of weakening keep on continuing nursing schools the nation over. Admission to a nursing program is serious and numerous potential understudies are denied confirmation every semester. Steady loss from nursing programs influences not just the particular understudy who is acknowledged to a nursing program and ineffective, yet in addition the understudy denied confirmation that might have been effective. Steady loss rates are expensive to understudies, nursing projects, and medical services the same by diminishing the quantity of likely alumni from schools of nursing and adding to the nursing lack. Many examinations feature the a lot higher than wanted whittling down rates for nursing understudies and endeavor to decide expected scholar and non scholastic contributing reasons for this undesired weakening rate (Ostrye, 2001).
As indicated by Barr (1999), there is a lack of information accessible on what elements impact understudy achievement; in any case, scholastic indicator factors neglect to make sense of every one of the variables that influence understudy execution completely. Many college’s affirmation divisions commit significant time and cash for the enrollment and confirmation of nursing understudies. Besides, confirmation sets up are entrusted with the perpetually troublesome charge of recognizing candidates who can find success. Enlisting qualified candidates is only the starting move toward encouraging project culmination.