The Alkaline Earth Metals


The alkaline earth elements are in Group 2 of the Periodic Table. In this experiment Be, Mg, Ca, Ba, and Sr will be studied. All of the alkaline earth metals are M2+ cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, etc.) when they combine with nonmetals in ionic compounds and when they are in aqueous solution. The reactivity of the cations of beryllium, barium, calcium, magnesium, and strontium will be examined. The metal cations will be reacted with water. The information will be used to rank the reactivity of the metal cations.

If a solution containing one of these cations is mixed with a solution containing an anion, the alkaline earth salt will precipitate if the compound containing those two ions is insoluble. The anions used for testing the alkaline earth cations in this experiment is OH

M(s) + H2O(l) ¾® M(OH)2(s) + H2(g)

The solubilities of the compounds of the alkaline earth cations and the anions show a smooth trend consistent with the order of the cations in the Periodic Table. That is, as we go from one end of the alkaline earth family to the other, the solubilities of the hydroxide salts either gradually increase or decrease. By determining the solubility trends in this experiment, the order of the alkaline earths in the Periodic Table will be able to be confirmed.

Pre-Lab Assignment

As preparation for this experiment, do the following:

® Open the prelab folder on Blackboard for this experiment and follow the instructions to prepare for this experiment.

® Watch the video in the folder. Use to fill in the data sheet and answer the questions.

Procedure adapted from Slowinski, et al, Chemical Principles in the Laboratory.

Periodic Trends in Group II

Report Sheet

Name: _____________________________ Section: _________

Instructor: ____________________________ Date: __________

Determine the Reactivity of Alkaline Earth Salts
Table 1 – Observations of reactivity of Alkaline Earth Salts

Describe the reaction with water.






Order of reactivity from most reactive to least reactive:

Is the data consistent with the order of the Group 2 elements on the Periodic Table?

Sample Solution

The alkaline earth metals are a set of six chemical elements in the periodic table’s group 2. Beryllium (Be), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and radium (Ra) are the elements involved (Ra). [1] At standard temperature and pressure, the elements have extremely similar properties: they are all lustrous, silvery-white, and moderately reactive metals. They (together with helium) share a complete outer s-orbital structurally; that is, this orbital has its full complement of two electrons, which the alkaline earth metals rapidly lose to form cations with charge +2 and oxidation state +2. All of the identified alkaline earth metals are found in nature, with the exception of radium, which is only found through radioactive decay.

To consider de Gaulle in contrast to the characteristic hypothesis and groundbreaking initiative, the paper examinations him as a pioneer and person. To accomplish this, the paper has focuses on his assets and open doors that are introduced to him, since they best outline how the significant hypotheses add to his prosperity as a pioneer.

While assessing de Gaulle’s assets his attributes are promptly recognizable to those featured by Stogill (1948 and 1974), Mann (1959), Lord, DeVader, and Alliger (1986) and Kirkpatrick and Locke (1991) in their examination. De Gaulle was of a better than expected knowledge. Specifically, his vital theoretical reasoning was amazing. For instance, de Gaulle knew that for France to stay a worldwide power they should have an atomic capacity. On July 22, 1958, de Gaulle, presently president, put it down on the calendar for the main nuclear blast to happen inside the initial three months of 1960 . For de Gaulle particularly, French fulfillment of the bomb represented freedom and a job for France in international issues . This was an obvious sign of France’s worldwide goal and featured de Gaulle’s premonition and long haul vision, apparently a vital quality to be a pioneer. He was incredibly energetic and adored his nation and a big motivator for it. He had a solid character, verging on haughtiness on occasion and all the more so in his later years.

The open doors that added to de Gaulle’s prosperity are the point at which he ended up in the situation as the administrator of the Free French Forces, which he had not arranged. He ousts to the UK instead of give up and haggled with Germany, a critical appearance of the man’s nationalism and obligation to his country. This piece of his life apparently set the situation for de Gaulle to turn into the President of France. The finish of the conflict, and specifically its prosperity, depicted de Gaulle as a legend. Nonetheless, there are a few unanswered inquiries, imagine a scenario in which the Normandy arrivals had fizzled, would De Gaulle have been so fruitful. The contention that de Gaulle saw an open door, incidental or not, and promoted. For instance, by definition, charming pioneers are supposed to arise in the midst of emergency De Gaulle exploited each a valuable open door, demonstrating that he not entirely settled to get France once again to being Grand. The Algerian War was one more open door that De Gaulle was not searching for, in any case, introduced its self and set the climate appealling pioneer to succeed.

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