The Application Of Strategic Management



prepare a professional memo for leadership members within an organization of your choice. In your memo, apply the insights you have learned regarding the strategic management process by developing two (2) or three (3) initiatives that can be realized within this organization. Be specific about the positive outcomes you expect and the negative factors that may cause unforeseen stress to avoid or minimize.

Discuss how you will implement these initiatives, and then identify the changes in laws/regulations and/or political appointees’ mindset may be required to overcome any dissension or resistance that is likely to be met.

Memos are concise; devote about one page for each initiative. Format your document as you would a professional memo with proper headings including the date, who the document is written to, and subject line.

Sample Solution

Strategic management is the systematic use of corporate resources to achieve business goals and objectives. Strategic management requires an ongoing assessment of external factors that can affect the processes and procedures within your organization and the way your business operates. Strategic management processes need to guide programs and decision-making at the highest level. Companies of all sizes and industries can benefit from the practice of strategic management. This article describes the benefits of strategic management, explains how it works, describes the types and stages of strategic management, and gives examples in the workplace.

This has been reverberated all through crafted by Evelyn Robinson, who found that the idea of the misfortune felt by the birth mother was likewise felt by the took on kid. Robinson felt that this despondency experienced from the division from their families and being given with a substitution birth declaration has likewise generally not been recognized or gotten (Robinson, 2018). Robinson proceeds to say that by swapping the birth declaration for a kid we don’t esteem that kid’s genuine legacy and character. (Robinson, 2018). Robinson (2018) likewise expresses that the vast majority of the embraced youngsters have more distant family and reception rejects that those connections exist. It is obvious from Robinson’s work that she takes a great deal from her very own insight and keeping in mind that it is fascinating it is to some degree recounted, that being said there is little writing accessible that debates her cases. Doka (1989) states that the vast majority of the misfortunes we experience are not because of actual passing and that the sensations of deprived individuals (pity, culpability and so forth) can be confounded when misery is disappointed (Doka 1989) (Robinson 2007).

I right now have two customers (C and N) that have encountered youngsters being embraced, neither one of the customers had a decision in their reception as friendly administrations stepped in to eliminate the kids from a vicious and to some degree poisonous (medication and liquor use) relational intricacy. The two customers were pregnant toward the start of treatment, and can keep their infants with them whenever they are conceived. The customer I will zero in on first (C) will have her child soon. This specific customer needed to have an end of her first child (young lady) because of the child having Edwards Syndrome a hereditary issue, otherwise called Trisomy 18, brought about by the presence of all or part of an additional an eighteenth chromosome. Most of individuals with the condition kick the bucket during the fetal stage; babies who endure experience genuine deformities and generally live for brief timeframes (Weiss, 2014). She shut down genuinely after the child kicked the bucket and proceeded to have another little girl rapidly and has regularly referenced that she needed to have one more child to make up for the shortfall that the ended child left. She frequently endures bad dreams where her enduring girl either kicks the bucket or is mishandled and feels colossal responsibility after waking. She is stressed over friendly administrations inclusion and post pregnancy anxiety which she created after her first child. At the point when her child was determined to have Edwards disorder she had 12 hours to settle on a choice, she decided to end the pregnancy and feels that she settled on the ideal decision at that point. During her first pregnancy, she was engaged with an abusive behavior at home relationship with the dad of her youngsters, who then, at that point, went to jail with she was pregnant with her child. She has a liable outlook on remaining in the relationship however at the time felt it was vital that the kids had their dad in their life. She had a drinking propensity and was in the long run captured for deserting after she passed on the youngsters with a neighbor to become inebriated. After the youngsters were taken on she felt that she was unable to remain in the house because of the difficult recollections and she found

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