The average life expectancy (LE) in 1900 was 47 years of age.


The average life expectancy (LE) in 1900 was 47 years of age. In 2008, the average LE in the US was 80 years, and in 2021, the average LE is 79 years. Life expectancy in the US differs by sex and race. Women live about 5 years longer than men, and whites live about 4 years longer than African-Americans.

At the population level, increased life expectancy has been attributed to two major factors related to technology. Public health measures such as vaccinations and water treatment have added 25-30 years to our life expectancy while medical advances have added about 5 years. These measures have significantly reduced the incidence of infant mortality and allowed people to be healthier well into their 70’s, 80’s and beyond. In fact, some researchers, like biogerontologist Aubrey de Gray, are actively seeking ways to extend life indefinitely.

After reviewing this week’s learning resources, respond to the following questions:

How has health technology contributed to longevity?
What are the economic, sociological, psychological, and healthcare implications of an aging population that could live indefinitely?
What is the cautionary tale about technology and aging that is told by Vonnegut’s short story, “The Big Trip Up Yonder?”
How long do you think we should live? Should we live indefinitely or should there be limits? Justify your response.
Remember to use your own words, using your best writing skills, cite your sources, and provide a reference list.


Sample Solution

Economy: We cannot control the economy of the world or nation so must adjust when the economy goes up or down, during inflation, deflation or recession. As PayPal is into financial transfer, a major economic factor that affects us is the obdurate rise and fall of exchange rate

Competition: Our services is not unique to us, there are other companies that also engage in online money transfer, so there is bound to be competition. Since we cannot control what they do, we always try to adjust our strategies in other to be distinguished.

Customer: Customer’s behaviour cannot be controlled, and highly unpredictable. Their wants and desires change all the time. Thus, we always adjust and adapt to be able to meet up with these new demands in other not to lose them to competitors.

Political: Most times new government policies influence our planning. For example the government of United States can decide to enforce a legislature for the lessening or increment on spending and money transfer. This will obviously make us adjust our plans and strategies. Also we are affected by foreign trade policies since we deal with different nations, we must not forget political instability.
Internal Factors Environmental Factors

Figure 3

Leadership: The leadership of PayPal Holding Inc. is very strong and so are able to make clear decisions and visions. They are able to build good management structure and inspire employees and we as employees are able to achieve goals.

Financial factor: Sometimes our company management is affected by current financial structure. For example, when there is limited cash we cannot employ more staff which can stunt our growth

Mission statement: In PayPal Holding Inc. we have a clear understanding of our goals and purpose and actions we need to take to achieve it. Our mission statement is to ensure equality in monetary services, this has been inculcated in all the staff and so everyone works towards it.
Employees: Dissatisfaction among employees can influence management and st

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