“The Aztecs


Directions: Watch the film, “The Aztecs (Part I) and answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Answer in complete sentences. Your responses will be handed in and graded. The worksheet is worth 20 points.

1) Where was the Aztec Empire? What was the capitol city? How big was the Empire at its height?

Aztec empire was in northern Mexico. The capitol of the empire was Tenochtitlan.

2) What was the first advanced civilization in Mexico?

The Olmec was the first advanced civilization in Mexico.

3) What were the advancements of the Mayans?

Mayan astronomers perfected the calendar system, they predicted solar and lunar eclipse, figured out the path of Venus, and carved the Marshall exploits of their kings in stone.

4) Who were the Toltecs?


5) Why were the cities and monuments of the Pre-Columbian civilizations built by hand using only human labor?

6) What are the origins of the Aztecs? What year did the Aztecs find their homeland? What was the sign from the gods?
Aztecs found their homeland in 1299. Their god predicted an end to their wanderings.


7) How did the Aztecs fight? How did the Aztecs gain such a vast empire?
Aztecs were fierce warriors. Aztecs started harvesting from snakes, frogs, and lizards, so the empire flourished.

8) How did the Aztecs treat the people they conquered?

Conquered people were used as human sacrifice.

9) What was life like in the Aztec capitol?

10) How was Aztec society stratified?

Sample Solution

“The Aztecs”

The Aztecs were the Native American people who dominated Northern Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century. A nomadic culture, the Aztecs eventually settled on several small islands in Lake Texcoco where, in 1325, they founded the town of Tenochtitlan, modern day Mexico City. Fearless warriors and pragmatic builders, the Aztecs created an empire during the 15th century that was surpassed in size in the Americas only by that of the Incas in Peru. The Aztecs are the most extensively documented of all Amerindian civilizations at the time of European contact in the 16th century.

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Ultimately, a third administrative bookkeeping strategy is techniques for capital venture choices. Capital speculation choices can be the absolute most costly choices supervisors should make; thusly, it is significant they pick carefully and utilize their financing in the best manner to guarantee the most ideal return. Generally, these choices are reached abstractly and now and again procedures are utilized to improve the probability that specific tasks are picked over others (Noreen, Brewer, and Garrison, 2014, p. 310). For example, one venture might be appealing founded exclusively on income potential; in any case, it might bring about a lot higher speculation of assets than others and the outcome may not be pretty much as productive as one previously accepted. It tends to be precarious to recognize which task would be most ideal for the association in the long haul, however chiefs ought to painstakingly think about all parts of the venture’s capital necessities prior to settling on indiscreet and exorbitant decisions.

Capital speculations for the most part require high-dollar subsidizing and are expected to acknowledge long haul an incentive for an association, generally one year or longer. Such ventures are very normal in the medical care industry and usually fall into three classes. In the first place, essential choices are capital venture choices intended to build a medical care association’s essential position. Second, extension choices are capital speculation choices intended to work on the functional ability of a medical services association. Also, finally, substitution choices are capital speculation choices intended to supplant more seasoned resources with more up to date ones (DeBenedetti, n.d.).

No matter what the kind of capital venture choice confronting supervisors, there are generally gatherings of people, or whole divisions, which are keen on chasing after one specific undertaking over another. Project positioning isn’t phenomenal in the present business climate and is reliant upon the reality with regards to how much the particular activities would return, as well as which undertaking can give the business the best worth in the most limited measure of time. Most of capital speculation choices are reached in light of indicated cutoff times which can bring about more than one stage in the dynamic interaction being overlooked. This, combined with contention inside divisions, can achieve unfortunate results.

After administration limits the rundown of expected projects, they m

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