The barriers for reporting sexual assault against women in the U.S. military



What are the barriers for reporting sexual assault against women in the U.S. military and how these low reporting rates affect female soldiers.

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Sexual assault is a serious problem in the U.S. military, and women are disproportionately affected. According to the Department of Defense, an estimated 20,000 service members experience sexual assault each year. However, only a small fraction of these assaults are reported. In 2021, only 8.6% of service members who reported being sexually assaulted filed a formal complaint.

There are a number of barriers that prevent women in the military from reporting sexual assault. These barriers can be divided into two broad categories: individual barriers and institutional barriers.

Individual Barriers

Individual barriers are those that are specific to the victim of sexual assault. They can include:

  • Fear of retaliation. Many victims of sexual assault in the military are afraid of being retaliated against by their perpetrator or their unit. This fear can be well-founded, as retaliation is a common problem in the military. A 2014 study by the Rand Corporation found that 62% of service members who reported sexual assault experienced retaliation.
  • Fear of not being believed. Many victims of sexual assault are afraid that they will not be believed if they report their assault. This fear is often justified, as military leaders and investigators have a history of dismissing sexual assault claims.
  • Shame and stigma. Victims of sexual assault often feel ashamed and stigmatized by their experience. This can make it difficult for them to come forward and report their assault.
  • Lack of awareness of resources. Many victims of sexual assault are not aware of the resources that are available to them. They may not know who to talk to or how to report their assault.

Institutional Barriers

Institutional barriers are those that are embedded in the military culture and policies. They can include:

  • The military justice system. The military justice system is complex and can be daunting for victims of sexual assault. The process of reporting an assault and going through a court-martial can be long and traumatic.
  • The military chain of command. The military chain of command can make it difficult for victims of sexual assault to report their assault. Victims may be afraid of reporting their assault to their supervisor, who may be close to the perpetrator or who may not take their complaint seriously.
  • A culture of silence. The military has a culture of silence surrounding sexual assault. This culture discourages victims from reporting their assaults and makes it difficult to hold perpetrators accountable.

How Low Reporting Rates Affect Female Soldiers

The low reporting rates of sexual assault in the military have a number of negative consequences for female soldiers. These consequences include:

  • Increased risk of revictimization. Victims of sexual assault are more likely to be sexually assaulted again. The low reporting rates in the military make it difficult to identify and hold perpetrators accountable, which increases the risk of revictimization for female soldiers.
  • Mental health problems. Sexual assault can have a devastating impact on a person’s mental health. Victims of sexual assault are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse problems.
  • Career damage. Reporting sexual assault can damage a female soldier’s career. Victims of sexual assault may be retaliated against, ostracized by their unit, or denied promotions.
  • Loss of trust in the military. The low reporting rates of sexual assault in the military can erode female soldiers’ trust in the institution. This can make it difficult for them to do their jobs effectively and can lead to them leaving the military.

What Can Be Done to Address the Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault in the Military?

There are a number of things that can be done to address the barriers to reporting sexual assault in the military. These include:

  • Improving education and training on sexual assault. All service members should receive comprehensive education and training on sexual assault. This training should cover topics such as prevention, reporting, and response.
  • Reforming the military justice system. The military justice system should be reformed to make it more victim-friendly. This includes streamlining the reporting process and providing victims with more support during the investigation and prosecution of their cases.
  • Changing the military culture. The military culture surrounding sexual assault needs to change. This includes creating a culture where victims feel safe to report their assaults and where perpetrators are held accountable.

Addressing the barriers to reporting sexual assault in the military is essential to protecting female soldiers and ensuring that they have the opportunity to thrive in their careers.

In addition to the above, here are some specific recommendations for addressing the barriers to reporting sexual assault against women in the U.S. military:

  • Implement independent investigations of all sexual assault reports. This would help to reduce the risk of retaliation and ensure that all reports are investigated thoroughly.
  • **Provide victims with more support throughout the reporting process and beyon

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