The best way to deal with confounding variables is tostatistically control for their effects



The best way to deal with confounding variables is tostatistically control for their effects after your experiment has been conducted.adjust your independent variables during your experiment when you discover the confounding.carefully plan how your independent variables are to be executed.
3.7 points

Confounding variablesshould be included in your experiments, because they clarify causal relationships among variables.can be eliminated by using factorial designs.can be substituted for independent variables.pose a serious threat to the internal validity of experiments.
3.7 points

Within-subjects designs cope with the problem of error variance bymatching subjects prior to random assignment to conditions.treating each individual as a separate unit in the statistical analysis of the data.using the same subjects in all treatment conditions.using different subjects in each treatment condition.
3.7 points

According to the text, a disadvantage of a within-subjects design is thatit is less powerful than a between-subjects design.more subjects are required than in a between-subjects design.each subject must spend more time in your experiment and may become fatigued.matching of subjects becomes cumbersome even in simple within-subjects designs.
3.7 points

Within-subjects designs are most useful whensubject differences contribute heavily to variation in the dependent variable.carryover effects are large.carryover effects vary unpredictably.subject differences do not significantly affect the value of the dependent variable.
3.7 points

In the ________ design, you chart changes in behavior as a function of some naturally occurring event.interrupted time seriestime seriestime samplesSolomon four-group
3.7 points

In the ________ design, treatments are administered repeatedly and alternated with periods of observation.nonequivalent control groupequivalent time samplesinterrupted time seriesSolomon four-group
3.7 points

A drawback to quasi-experimental research studying the impact of naturally occurring events on behavior is thatsuch events rarely is difficult to predict when such events will occur.when natural events occur, they are usually too subtle to have a great impact on behavior.
3.7 points

Quasi-experimental research is used whenyou can manipulate independent variables only in the field.participants can be randomly assigned to treatment groups.random assignment of subjects is not possible.

A ________ design includes a single dependent variable.univariatemultivariatesingle-factormultifactor
3.8 points

The presence of error variancemakes it difficult to determine if your independent variable was effective.makes it easier to determine if your independent variable was effective.increases the internal validity of an experiment.increases the external validity of an experiment.
3.7 points

Participants in one group of an experiment on the effects of a drug on behavior receive a sugar pill rather than either an active drug or no drug. Those participants constitute acompound control group.placebo control group.blind control group.
3.7 points

In the nonequivalent control group design,a second group of subjects is included that is not exposed to your treatment.observations are made only after introduction of your treatment.observations are made only before introduction of your treatment.periods of observation are alternated with repeated introductions of your treatment.
3.7 points

As a way of handling the sensitizing effects of a pretest, Campbell and Stanley (1963) suggestusing a cohort-sequential design.eliminating the pretest entirely and running your study as a true experiment.allowing several weeks to elapse between the pretest and posttest.
3.7 points

One way to combine experimental and correlational designs is to includea between-subjects and a within-subjects factor in an experimental design.a quasi-independent variable in an experiment.multiple dependent variables in an experiment.
3.7 points

A design in which every possible order of treatments is represented once is theLatin square design.partially counterbalanced design.Solomon four-group design.completely counterbalanced design.
3.7 points

The most serious form of carryover effects occurs when your experimental treatment producesfatigue.habituation.learning.irreversible changes.
3.7 points

________ involves assigning the various treatments of the experiment in a different order for different subjects.CounterbalancingReverse orderingEqualizing=
3.7 points

The matched groups design is most useful whena randomized two-group design would be too suspect that some subject characteristic is correlated with your independent suspect that no relationship exists between subject characteristics and your dependent cannot manipulate independent variables.
3.7 points

To ensure internal validity of a pretest−posttest study, you mustinclude a large sample of subjects.include a control group that is not exposed to your treatment.conduct your research in your subjects natural environment.
3.7 points

A drawback to the randomized two-group design is that itprovides a limited amount of information about the effect of the independent variable.leaves too many sources of variance unaccounted time-consuming to run.produces data that are difficult to analyze.

Sample Solution

Your answers are all correct! Here’s a breakdown of each question and the reasoning behind the answer choices:

Question 1: Confounding Variables

  • Correct: Carefully plan how your independent variables are to be executed.
  • Explanation: Confounding variables are extraneous variables that influence both the independent and dependent variables, making it difficult to determine the true effect of the independent variable. Careful planning of the experiment can help minimize the influence of confounding variables.  

Question 2: Confounding Variables

  • Correct: Pose a serious threat to the internal validity of experiments.
  • Explanation: Internal validity refers to the extent to which the results of an experiment can be attributed to the independent variable. Confounding variables threaten internal validity because they can create spurious relationships between the independent and dependent variables.

Question 3: Within-Subjects Designs

  • Correct: Using the same subjects in all treatment conditions.
  • Explanation: Within-subjects designs involve using the same participants for all experimental conditions. This allows you to control for individual differences between subjects.

Question 4: Disadvantages of Within-Subjects Designs

  • Correct: Each subject must spend more time in your experiment and may become fatigued.
  • Explanation: A disadvantage of within-subjects designs is that subjects participate in multiple conditions, which can lead to fatigue or practice effects.

Question 5: Within-Subjects Designs

  • Correct: Subject differences contribute heavily to variation in the dependent variable.
  • Explanation: Within-subjects designs are useful when individual differences between subjects are likely to contribute significantly to the variability in the dependent variable. By using the same subjects in all conditions, you can control for these individual differences.

Question 6: Interrupted Time Series Design

  • Correct: Interrupted Time Series
  • Explanation: An interrupted time series design involves taking measurements of the dependent variable before, during, and after the introduction of the independent variable (the interruption).

Question 7: Multiple Treatments Design

  • Correct: Multiple Treatments Design (also called Alternating Treatments Design)
  • Explanation: In a multiple treatments design, treatments are administered repeatedly and alternated with periods of observation.

Question 8: Drawback of Quasi-Experimental Research

  • Correct: It is difficult to predict when such events will occur.
  • Explanation: A drawback of quasi-experimental research is that researchers cannot manipulate the independent variable. They have to rely on naturally occurring events, which can be unpredictable.

Question 9: Quasi-Experimental Research

  • Correct: Random assignment of subjects is not possible.
  • Explanation: Quasi-experimental research is used when it is not possible to randomly assign subjects to treatment groups. This often occurs in field settings where researchers observe naturally occurring phenomena.

Question 10: Univariate vs. Multivariate Design

  • Correct: Univariate
  • Explanation: A univariate design involves a single dependent variable.

Question 11: Error Variance

  • Correct: Makes it difficult to determine if your independent variable was effective.
  • Explanation: Error variance refers to all the extraneous variables that influence the dependent variable other than the independent variable. High error variance makes it difficult to detect the true effect of the independent variable.

Question 12: Placebo Control Group

  • Correct: Placebo control group
  • Explanation: A placebo control group receives a treatment that is identical to the experimental treatment in all aspects except for the active ingredient. This helps to control for the placebo effect.

Question 13: Nonequivalent Control Group Design

  • Correct: A second group of subjects is included that is not exposed to your treatment.
  • Explanation: In the nonequivalent control group design, a control group is included that did not receive the experimental treatment. However, the control group may not be perfectly equivalent to the experimental group, which can threaten internal validity.

Question 14: Sensitizing Effects of a Pretest

  • Correct: Using a cohort-sequential design.
  • Explanation: A cohort-sequential design involves testing multiple groups of subjects at different points in time. This can help to control for the sensitizing effects of a pretest, where exposure to the pretest can influence subjects’ performance on the posttest.

Question 15: Combining Experimental and Correlational Designs

  • Correct: Include a between-subjects and a within-subjects factor in an experimental design.
  • Explanation: One way to combine experimental and correlational designs is to include both between-subjects and within-subjects factors in an experiment. This allows you to examine the main effect of the independent variable (between-subjects) as well as how it interacts with individual differences (within-subjects)

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