The Bronze Age and our current global society.


Briefly summarize the podcasts parts.
Draw parallels between the Bronze Age and our current global society.
Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of technological dependencies in a globalized world.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about our current situation and why?

Sample Solution

During the Bronze Age, people first started working with metals. Bronze tools and weapons quickly replaced previous stone versions. The ancient Sumerians of the Middle East may have been the first to enter the Bronze Age. During the Bronze Age, humans made many technological advances, including the invention of the first secretary system and the wheel. In the Middle East and parts of Asia, the Bronze Age lasted from 3300 BC to 1200 BC. And it suddenly ended with the almost simultaneous collapse of some prominent Bronze Age civilizations. It is possible that there were people in 6,000 BC. I started refining copper. The Fertile Crescent often referred to as the “Civilization Cradle”, is a historic region of the Middle East where agriculture and the world’s first city emerged.

cke’s theory allows for governments, and executive bodies to step outside of the law in order to deal with public concern or emergency; “where the legislative and executive power are in distinct hands, (as they are in all moderated monarchies, and well-framed governments) there the good of the society requires that several things should be left to the discretion of him that has the executive power”; therefore one may show an understanding of prerogative as a liminal concept: occupying an “in-between” space for the legislature and the executive, it is this liminality that elucidates prerogative’s resilience. These tensions or ambiguities structure contemporary discussions of prerogative and, similarly primary literature focusing on emergency powers more broadly.

Despite the emphasis placed on the executive as the primary body to carry out the motive principle of the given prerogative, one may argue in concordance with Lockean theory that the scope for such prerogative is at the behest of the infrastructure of the legislature, thus allowing for the body to play a key regulatory role. Henceforth, it must be taken into consideration that Locke refrains from calling prerogative executive power, rather Locke explicitly makes prerogative into a right of nature.

In spite of Locke’s emphasis on the scope of prerogative right under an executive body, it may be said that such power is not an inherent right, therefore allowing the deliberative assemblies to close in on executive individuals through the use of authority to make laws for a political entity through the use of primary legislation. In this way the balance of power between the two branches of government allows one to maintain Locke’s theory, in contempt with the belief that such a system would endowing the executive with too much power relative to the legislature.

However, it is critical that we consider the basis for Locke’s literature, as set in its given historic

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