The cause of death


The plaintiff’s 18-year-old son died suddenly at home. His body was taken to the hospital, where the cause of death could not be found without an autopsy. The deputy medical examiner ordered a postmortem examination. The plaintiff was a member of the Jewish Orthodox faith and refused the postmortem examination of his son on the basis that religious conviction prohibited any molestation of the body after death. Is freedom of religion curtailed by a law that has a compelling state interest?

Sample Solution

An interest is compelling when it is essential or necessary rather than a matter of choice, preference, or discretion. The laws mandate that religious liberty of individuals can only be limited by the “least restrictive means of furthering a compelling government interest.” By law, states commonly require autopsies when a person`s cause of death is unknown, death occurs under suspicious circumstances, or when it is feared that a communicable disease threatening to the public may have been responsible. Sometimes state autopsy laws conflict with religious objections to such procedures, bringing into play First Amendment questions of religious liberty. States typically make provisions for cases in which autopsies conflict with religious beliefs.

regards to the osmosis of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the differentiation being that a piece is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating regards to the osmosis of pieces into lumps. Mill operator recognizes pieces and lumps of data, the differentiation being that a piece is comprised of various pieces of data. It is fascinating to take note of that while there is a limited ability to recall lumps of data, how much pieces in every one of those lumps can change broadly (Miller, 1956). Anyway it’s anything but a straightforward instance of having the memorable option huge pieces right away, somewhat that as each piece turns out to be more natural, it very well may be acclimatized into a lump, which is then recollected itself. Recoding is the interaction by which individual pieces are ‘recoded’ and allocated to lumps. Consequently the ends that can be drawn from Miller’s unique work is that, while there is an acknowledged breaking point to the quantity of pi

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