The CFO for a criminal justice or private security agency



Imagine you are the CFO for a criminal justice or private security agency. You are tasked with developing and presenting an operating budget proposal to your agency director. Your starting point for the operating budget is the current year. You will then build an operating budget for the next year.

Select a state or local criminal justice or security agency.

Research the most recent budget for that agency. Use the resource at the end of the assignment as an example of an operating budget and how to search for one online.

Write a 525- to 700-word budget proposal that contains operating expenses and revenue.

Include the following in your proposal:

Your total budget. This can increase or decrease 5 percent.
The total for your operating budget and special line items. If you include the special line items, they must equal the total of all your revenue sources, which is called a balanced budget. There should be no deficit or surplus budgeting.
Increase or decrease of any expenditure or fund source you like. Any increase or decrease should be related to the issues you list in your summary.

Sample Solution

Operating Budget Proposal: Metropolitan Security Solutions (MSS), Austin, Texas

To: Agency Director From: [Your Name], CFO Date: October 26, 2023 Subject: Operating Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024

Executive Summary:

This proposal outlines the operating budget for Metropolitan Security Solutions (MSS) for Fiscal Year 2024, building upon the current year’s budget while addressing evolving security needs and operational efficiencies. MSS is a private security agency operating within Austin, Texas, providing a range of services including patrol, event security, and executive protection. The current year’s budget reflects a period of steady growth, but emerging trends such as increased demand for cybersecurity services and the need for enhanced staff training necessitate adjustments for the upcoming fiscal year. This budget proposal aims to ensure MSS remains a leading security provider while maintaining financial stability.

Current Year Budget Overview (FY 2023):

The current year’s operating budget for MSS stands at $3,500,000. This budget is allocated across various operational expenses and revenue streams, reflecting the core functions of the agency. Key areas include personnel costs, equipment maintenance, vehicle operations, and administrative expenses. Revenue is generated primarily from client contracts for security services.

Proposed Budget for FY 2024:

For FY 2024, I propose a 3% increase in the total operating budget, bringing it to $3,605,000. This increase is strategically allocated to address key areas of growth and improvement.

Operating Expenses (FY 2024):

  • Personnel: $2,100,000 (Increased by 5%): This reflects the need for additional cybersecurity specialists and enhanced training for existing staff.
  • Equipment Maintenance & Upgrades: $450,000 (Increased by 10%): To invest in updated surveillance technology and cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Vehicle Operations: $300,000 (No change): Maintained at current levels due to efficient fleet management.
  • Administrative Expenses: $255,000 (Decreased by 5%): Streamlining administrative processes to reduce costs.
  • Training & Development: $250,000 (Increased by 25%): To provide specialized training for cybersecurity and de-escalation techniques.
  • Cybersecurity Operations: $250,000 (New Line Item): To address the growing demand for cybersecurity services.

Revenue (FY 2024):

  • Client Contracts (Patrol & Event Security): $2,800,000 (No change): Maintained at current levels.
  • Executive Protection Services: $505,000 (Increased by 5%): Reflecting increased demand for specialized protection.
  • Cybersecurity Services: $300,000 (New Revenue Stream): To capitalize on the growing demand for cybersecurity services.

Balanced Budget:

Total Revenue ($3,605,000) = Total Operating Expenses ($3,605,000)

Justification for Changes:

  • Personnel: The increase in personnel costs is driven by the need to hire specialized cybersecurity personnel. This reflects the growing demand for digital security services and the agency’s commitment to staying ahead of emerging threats. Enhanced training is essential to ensure staff are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.
  • Equipment Maintenance & Upgrades: Investing in updated surveillance technology and cybersecurity infrastructure is vital for maintaining operational effectiveness and client trust.
  • Administrative Expenses: Streamlining administrative processes will result in cost savings without compromising efficiency.
  • Cybersecurity Operations: The new line item for cybersecurity operations represents a strategic move to capitalize on the increasing demand for these services. This will diversify revenue streams and enhance MSS’s competitive edge.


This budget proposal for FY 2024 is designed to ensure MSS maintains its position as a leading security provider in Austin. By strategically allocating resources, we can address emerging challenges, enhance operational efficiency, and capitalize on new opportunities. I recommend the Agency Director approve this budget proposal to ensure the continued success and growth of Metropolitan Security Solutions.

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