The chemical basis of life


Describe the structure of an atom and define the terms atomic number, atomic symbol, atomic mass, and mass number.
What do different isotopes of an element have in common and how do they differ? Discuss the applications of isotopes.
Discuss the arrangement of electrons in a phosphorus atom using the terms electron shell, valence shell, 2 electrons, 8 electrons, valence electrons, low energy, nucleus, high energy.
Discuss the following reaction: K + Cl → KCl. Include a description of the electron arrangements of the reactants and products and use the terms reactants, product, ionic bond, ionic compound, positive, negative, valence electrons, and valence shell.
Identify the reactants and product in the following reaction: C + 2H2 → CH4 (Methane). Include a description of the electron arrangement of methane and use the terms covalent bond, share electrons, pair of electrons, valence electrons, and valence shell.
Discuss the structure of a water molecule, why it is a polar molecule, and how it forms hydrogen bonds.
Discuss how a water dissolves salts in solution using sodium chloride as an example. Also distinguish between hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds with regard to solvency.
Discuss water’s high heat capacity and how it minimizes extreme fluctuations in temperature. Also discuss water’s high heat of vaporization and how it contributes to regulating temperature.
Define pH, acids, bases, neutral solutions, and buffers. Research and discuss why it is important for our blood to be buffered.

Sample Solution

The chemical basis of life

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of an element. Atoms combine to form molecules, which then interact to form solids, gases, or liquids. For example, water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen atoms that have combined to form water molecules. Atoms consist of three basic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons. The nucleus (center) of the atom contains the protons and neutrons. The outermost regions of the atom are called electron shells and contain the electrons. Atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element. Atomic symbol is a notation for one of the chemical elements, consisting of letters, for example Ne represents neon.




Music and God

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descriptive exposition sampleIt appears the contentions for demonstrating or discrediting God’s (or a god’s) presence will never be nailed down as outright facts. More often than not, one turns into a nonbeliever or an individual of religious on a type of rationale or a kind of feeling that is by and by alluring, however this rationale or feeling can’t be said to be essential fact of the matter (Harper, 12). Through rationale and feeling, the two sides of the contention for holiness and an absence of heavenliness can be “demonstrated.” For me, music has been one of the bits of proof for the presence of God or a divine being.

At the point when I tune in to Sufi music, especially qawwali music, I get into conditions of delight and sentiments of spiritualist change. Sufism is an otherworldly faction of Islam that places extraordinary significance on music as a device to place individuals in a condition of unity with the celestial. In qawwali music, the expressions of holy people are joined with irresistible rhythms and taking off tunes. At the point when an audience tunes into a qawwali eagerly, commonly the audience will eventually feel a change in their awareness, which could be said to resemble feeling the mood of the Universe, or a sentiment of unity having profound tones (Garge, 10).

This happened to me frequently while tuning in to a specific maestro of qawwali music, Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. I am not a Muslim, or a Sufi, yet was interested to hear something new when I originally got a CD of the acclaimed vocalist from an auntie of mine. I had been tuning in to for the most part elective awesome music, and a first tuning in of Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan astonished me and gave me prompt amazement. There was something in his voice that had a specific substance I was unable to deny. Afterward, I understood this substance was the spiritualist commitment the vocalist communicated and of which I felt definitely with numerous listenings.

This probably won’t sound totally logical, as it can’t be tried or watched carefully (starting at now), however its belongings and the encounters that are a consequence of those impacts are hard to deny in the event that they transpire by and by. Also, it isn’t simply me encountering ordinary impacts of rapture tuning in to Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s music—a great many audience members make a case for feel a feeling of profound satisfaction while making the most of his music (Byth, 32). Furthermore, shockingly, a considerable lot of the individuals who guarantee this are neither strict or profoundly disapproved. It appears individuals get mysteriously mesmerized by Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s music whether it was proposed to.

There may never be any evidence possibly in support of God’s or a divine being’s presence, or whether we would comprehend what this verification might be. However, when I tune in to Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s bolting vocals, it brings me into a condition of rapture and I believe I am getting in contact with the interminable soul the spiritualists discussed and still discussion about. I might be daydreaming each time I tune in to this music, without the utilization of medications, however I decide to accept this is exceptionally unrealistic. Or maybe, I acknowledge this music communicates godlikeness and this articulation can be felt by the audience members of this music.


Harper, Bill. “Demonstrations of Supplication.” Blind Man Press. New York: 2008. Print.

Garge, Melanie. “Sufi Orders.” Mystical Books. Chicago: 2011. Print.

Byth, George. “Lord of Qaww



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