The conquest of the west and American Imperialism.

Write about The conquest of the west and American Imperialism.
The conquest of the west

1-Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion.
2-The Plains Indians Wars.
3-”kill the Indian, Save the Man”

American Imperialism

Post your thoughts about readings from Voices of Freedom and how they relate to our lecture and our textbook, Give Me Liberty!. Consider the major themes, questions that arose while you read, and how the readings fit into the historical narrative. This post should be at least 100 words of meaningful interpretation.

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Elon Musk’s Human 2.0 Initiative

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As of late, there has been a ton of hypothesis with respect to man-made brainpower (AI). Fake neural systems at present being created by a few major organizations including Google, and no doubt bound to fill in as a reason for aware AI, have caused banters among researchers, activists, rationalists, and the regular open about the eventual fate of mankind. This isn’t an exaggerated issue; it might be hard to accept that AI will clear out individuals from the planet (albeit a few specialists anticipate such a situation), however it is likewise difficult to deny that when AI ventures succeed, humankind as we probably am aware it today will immediately get outdated.

Why? All things considered, a machine that is rarely mixed up, never needs rest, can perform many activities all the while, and is constantly ready to get the hang of—doing it with huge speed—can for sure become a risk to individuals. This is as of now occurring, despite the fact that the sizes of the issue are not undermining yet. Automatization—the way toward subbing individuals playing out specific occupations with machines—is the initial step to a future where individuals are not required. Somebody could state that automatization is joy, since it gives individuals all the more extra time which can be devoted to contemplating, doing craftsmanship, personal development, etc. Be that as it may, who realizes how far automatization can go?

Indeed, even now there are machines that can compose books (Digital Trends) or take an interest in configuration challenges—and this isn’t to make reference to mechanical drivers or assembly line laborers. Any AI will as a matter of course have the option to learn a lot snappier than a living individual, so regardless of how much exertion one places in their own instruction, the person will at present be sub-par compared to a machine as far as insight. Who realizes what will occur straightaway? What will individuals do when all the employments are taken by robots? General fundamental pay, as an option to the customary “work = cash” might be an answer, however by what means will individuals have the option to rival machines mentally?

Elon Musk, probably the most brilliant business visionary of the 21st century, recommends that on the off chance that we can’t rival machines utilizing the limits given to us naturally, we should sidestep organic constraints. How? During the World Government Summit in Dubai, where Musk gave a discourse at the meeting, stated: “After some time, I figure we will presumably observe a closer merger of natural insight and computerized knowledge [… ] It’s for the most part about the data transmission, the speed of the association between your mind and the advanced variant of yourself, especially yield” (CNBC).

Does it imply that Elon Musk proposes we converge with machines? Presumably, yes. Musk’s most recent activity, so far existing in its undeveloped condition and called Neuralink, is a mind PC interface intended to be embedded into human cerebrums and in this manner help individuals to keep comparable to AI (The Verge). Up until this point, such embeds exist just in cyberpunk sci-fi, in spite of the fact that embedding gadgets into minds isn’t something new; for instance, in medication, specialists utilize uncommon terminals to improve cerebrum working in patients experiencing epilepsy, Parkinson’s illness, and other neurological issues. Musk, notwithstanding, is looking at something entirely different: inserts that will influence psychological, memory, recognition, and scholarly capacities, permitting individuals direct access to the Web, PCs, computer generated reality, and other computerized advancements. He contends this is unavoidable, in light of the fact that “In the event that you accept any pace of progression in computerized reasoning, we will be abandoned by a ton” (TNW).

As energizing as it might sound, such an activity brings up significant issues, none of which can be appropriately addressed at this point. Wellbeing concerns start things out: in what manner will a Neuralink client be certain that their psyche isn’t checked by its maker? What will the security against programmers resemble (and with such embeds, personality hacking can turn into a genuine danger? Will Google or different organizations attack individuals’ most close to home space—their musings—with irritating logical publicizing? In what capacity will an individual have the option to separate oneself from the ubiquitous society, to think about something private without the dread that the substance of their psyche isn’t live-gushed some place on Twitch? This is an issue that must be tended to in the coming future in the event that we are to progress safely.

Cyberpunk books, motion pictures, and livelinesss regularly center around the subjects of blending machines with people. William Gibson’s and Philip K. Dick’s books, “Apparition in the Shell” and “Psycho-Pass” movements—every one of them, just as numerous others—center around the absence of protection, sympathy, security, and closeness brought about by the converging of science and innovation. For a long time, it has stayed an exciting fiction; Elon Musk’s drive, in any case, can make everything genuine; it guarantees extraordinary capacity to individuals—yet additionally incredible obligation, just as incredible dangers that should be killed.

Works Cited

Olewitz, Chloe. “A Japanese AI Program Just Wrote a Short Novel, and It Almost Won a Literary Prize.” Digital Trends. N.p., 24 Mar. 2016. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

Kharpal, Arjun. “Elon Musk: Humans Must Merge with Machines or Become Irrelevant in AI Age.” CNBC. CNBC, 13 Feb. 2017. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

Statt, Nick. “Elon Musk Launches Neuralink, a Venture to Merge the Human Brain with AI.” The Verge. The Verge, 27 Mar. 2017. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

Clark, Bryan. “Elon Musk’s New Company Wants to Merge Humans and Machines through Brain Implants.” The Next Web. N.p., 27 Mar. 2017. Web. 29 Mar. 2017.

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