The consequences of emotion in scientific research






Can scientists ever be completely objective when conducting research? Why or why not? Support your argument with resources.
What might be the consequences (positive and/or negative) of emotion in scientific research?

Sample Solution

The answer to this question is complex, but generally speaking it can be argued that scientists cannot be completely objective when conducting research. It is important to note that the process of researching and gathering data is based on the researcher’s own assumptions and interpretations. This means that any preconceived notions about the topic being studied can affect how data is collected, analyzed, and ultimately interpreted (Winslow & Weisbuch, 2006). Furthermore, biases such as personal values or assumptions held by researchers can also lead to invalid conclusions (Kaufman et al., 2019). As a result it is virtually impossible for a scientist to remain entirely impartial while studying their subject of interest due to inherent cognitive limitations (Smith & Kosslyn 2018).

In addition to these potential biases, another factor which affects objectivity in research are confirmation biases. Confirmation bias refers to “the tendency for people [including scientists]…to search for evidence which supports previously-held beliefs rather than disproves them”(Hazlett 2002 cited in Smith & Kosslyn 2018 p. 706-707 ). This type of bias occurs when individuals selectively search for information which conforms with what they expect will occur instead of searching more broadly or deeply into other possible explanations(Smith & amp ; Kosslyn 2018) . Therefore , it is essential that scientists become aware of potential sources of bias before beginning a project so they may take steps to address them at each stage.

Overall, while there have been advancements made in terms of developing methodological approaches aimed at reducing bias , complete neutrality remains elusive . To ensure accuracy within scientific research it is important for researchers not only be conscious about any preconceived notions or expectations but also make sure their investigations are thorough enough so as not overlook any alternative solutions outside their initial hypothesis.

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