What is the cultural construction of science? How do we, as a community, use language to construct the
appearance of knowledge and reality when, in fact, science and innovation in general are fluid processes
where particular concepts can be overturned with just one discovery. Given the apparent authority of
technology experts, what are some of our ethical obligations in communicating with non-experts?
Synthesize what you read in the provided article.
1. Summarize the article.
2. Reflect on the article.
3. Discuss our ethical obligations in communicating with non-experts, what should we do and not do?
Fitness in the workplace is a necessary tool to keep workers engaged and healthy. Some of the things I am going to lay out and discuss are some ways of instituting fitness in the workplace, the effects of physical activity on people, and the diseases and negatives that can be avoided/prevented by allowing employees to participate in fitness. This especially has greater effect on workers as they are mostly sitting at a desk for the majority of the day. By implanting regimens to help employees it can actually help them, the effects that exercise during work can result in improving the employees mood and/or efficiency at the job. Studies from sources in my paper will demonstrate that physical activity has a very positive effect on people and can improve and lengthen people’s lives. One example of businesses implementing regimens to help their worker’s is the standing desk, it has been known as a positive to get the blood flowing in the body and prevent clots, as most professionals are sitting for eight hours a day. Which is not a healthy thing to do, it is recommended that you stand for 12 hours a day. The studies show that standing for majority of your day is a good and positive thing and that exercise “wakes you up,” and makes one alert in the everyday task, making one more effective. What this paper is trying to show is that physical activity is a positive in people’s everyday lives but more importantly the lives of employees. Fitness in the workplace is a necessary tool to keep workers engaged and healthy.
In the sources I have found, they conducted studies to see some of the diseases and negative effects that could be prevented physical activity, in people’s everyday lives, in other words there it is only a positive by giving people the opportunity and time to actually workout. In the article, they conducted analysis over a study and found that if someone increased fitness activity, that it would reduce a risk to premature death, but the inverse would happen if one decreased physical activity, it would only increase a rick to premature death. They concluded this by grading the effect of physical activity, even small adjustments to a physical regimen would cause a significant reduction in risk. “In one study, participants with the highest levels of physical fitness at baseline and who maintained or improved their physical fitness over a pro