The current perceptions and experiences of Welsh Ambulance clinical desk

What are the current perceptions and experiences of Welsh Ambulance clinical desk clinicians regarding the use of video in remote clinical assessments.


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Welsh Ambulance clinical desk clinicians (CDCs) have a variety of perceptions and experiences regarding the use of video in remote clinical assessments. Some CDCs find video to be a valuable tool that allows them to better assess patients’ conditions and provide more informed clinical advice. Others are more cautious about the use of video, citing concerns about the accuracy of remote assessments and the potential for missed diagnoses.

Positive perceptions and experiences

CDCs who have positive perceptions and experiences with video in remote clinical assessments often cite the following benefits:

  • Improved assessment accuracy: Video can allow CDCs to better visualize patients’ conditions and see important clinical signs, such as skin color, breathing rate, and facial expressions. This can help CDCs to more accurately assess patients’ needs and provide more appropriate advice.
  • Increased patient satisfaction: Patients often appreciate the convenience and flexibility of video remote consultations. Video can also help patients to feel more connected to their healthcare providers and more involved in their own care decisions.
  • Reduced workload on emergency departments: Video remote consultations can help to reduce the number of patients who need to be seen in emergency departments (EDs). This can free up ED resources for patients who need more urgent care.

Cautious perceptions and experiences

CDCs who are more cautious about the use of video in remote clinical assessments often cite the following concerns:

  • Accuracy of remote assessments: CDCs worry that it may be difficult to accurately assess patients’ conditions without being able to perform a physical examination. This is especially true for patients who have complex medical conditions or who are presenting with vague symptoms.
  • Potential for missed diagnoses: CDCs worry that they may miss important clinical signs or symptoms when assessing patients remotely. This is especially true for patients who are not able to communicate effectively or who are not able to provide accurate information about their medical histories.
  • Technical difficulties: Video remote consultations can be disrupted by technical difficulties, such as poor internet connectivity or audio/video problems. This can make it difficult for CDCs to assess patients’ conditions and provide accurate advice.

Overall, Welsh Ambulance CDCs have a mixed range of perceptions and experiences regarding the use of video in remote clinical assessments. Some CDCs find video to be a valuable tool that allows them to better assess patients’ conditions and provide more informed clinical advice. Others are more cautious about the use of video, citing concerns about the accuracy of remote assessments and the potential for missed diagnoses.

In addition to the above, here are some specific examples of CDCs’ perceptions and experiences of video in remote clinical assessments:

  • One CDC commented that video allows them to get a better sense of the patient’s environment and overall well-being. This can be helpful in assessing patients with complex medical conditions or who are presenting with vague symptoms.
  • Another CDC commented that video can be helpful in engaging patients and getting them more involved in their own care decisions. This is especially true for patients who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have language barriers.
  • However, some CDCs have also expressed concerns about the accuracy of remote assessments. For example, one CDC commented that it can be difficult to assess a patient’s lung sounds over video.
  • Another CDC commented that they worry about the potential for missed diagnoses, especially for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Finally, some CDCs have also cited technical difficulties as a challenge. For example, one CDC commented that they have had problems with video connections dropping out during remote consultations.

Overall, it is clear that Welsh Ambulance CDCs have a variety of perceptions and experiences of video in remote clinical assessments. While some CDCs find video to be a valuable tool, others are more cautious about its use. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of video remote consultations before using them to assess patients.


The use of video in remote clinical assessments is a relatively new development, and there is still much to learn about its effectiveness and safety. However, the potential benefits of video remote consultations are significant, and Welsh Ambulance is committed to exploring and developing this technology in a safe and responsible way.

As the use of video remote consultations continues to grow, it is important to gather feedback from CDCs and other healthcare professionals to better understand their perceptions and experiences. This feedback can be used to improve the design and delivery of video remote consultations and to ensure that they are used in a way that is safe and beneficial for patients.


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