The Dangers of Biting on a Phish


Write a short “newsletter” article (3 to 5 paragraphs) for the non-technical managers and employees at SifersGrayson to explain the following:
(a) What is Phishing? (Focus on phishing emails and targeted attacks that include spear phishing and whaling.)
(b) What “bad things” can happen when a successful phishing attack gives outsiders access to company
networks and computers?
(c) How can employees avoid “biting” on a “phish?”
(d) How should employees report phishing attacks? Why is immediate reporting critical to stopping the
Since this article is for a newsletter, you may use an informal but professional tone (address the reader as
“you,” use “we” and “our” to refer to the organization’s perspective). The focus of the article should be upon
changing how people think about and respond to computer security incidents. Humor is good but should not
lessen the severity of the problem.


Sample Solution

The Dangers of Biting on a Phishing

Phishing is a type of online scam where criminals impersonate legitimate organizations via email, text message, advertisement or other means in order to steal sensitive information. An organization succumbing to phishing attack typically sustains severe financial losses in addition to declining market share, reputation, and consumer trust. Depending on scope, a phishing attempt might escalate into a security incident from which a business will have difficult time recovering. The vast majority of cyber crime and phishing attacks start via email. So it’s important to know what to look for when trying to identify potential threats in your inbox. Many emails that are phishing attacks in disguise share common traits, such as: the message itself is unexpected, it appeals to a sense of authority, among others. Employees that receive an email with any combination of these traits should exercise extreme caution before replying, downloading attachments, or clicking links contained in the email body.





My Favorite Place

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Richmond Beach was my otherworldly home base in my youth. It is a rough sea shore in the city of Richmond Beach, which can be gotten to by a long downhill drive (via vehicle or bike) from the city of Edmonds. Or on the other hand, as I did regularly, went for the 30-minute stroll from my home to the quiet waters through a serene walk around the forested areas of Woodway. It used to be a spot possessed by Native Americans, yet now it is involved by for the most part Caucasian individuals. Nonetheless, a chain of command remains in tribute to the clans that used to call the sea shore home. It has an immense property, with a sea shore, a play area, two upper yards for the view and entertainment, horde “mystery” trails along the earth slopes, excursion regions, and a square where individuals can stroll around, wash up after a dip, and seats for the staggering perspective.

With the sagebrush, jabbering winged creatures, train tracks, the croak of frogs, wind, herons, different shells, a cavern along the sea shore, and a phenomenal perspective on the Olympic Mountains, Richmond Beach is on the double normal and unprecedented. Being there brings you into another state, in which you need to introspect, be quiet, and be sure.

In secondary school, I was not an extremely social individual. I didn’t have such huge numbers of companions, and I didn’t feel like I had a place in a gathering more often than not. However, when I went to Richmond Beach, these concerns were abandoned. It appeared to be an enchanted spot to me, and as it were, it despite everything does.

I would stroll to different places on the sea shore: a mystery collapse the earth slopes on the left, the train tracks that lead right from Seattle to Chicago, the mass of sagebrush where the tune of winged animals made for a quiet scene, and obviously the sea shore itself, which was dispersed with shells, tide pools, crabs, seals, driftwood, leftovers of gatherings, and then some.

The passing trains consistently pulled in me there too. My first word was “choo,” since the initial three years of my life was close to a train station in the Greenlake region of Seattle. In this way, I had a calling towards trains since my introduction to the world. Strolling the tracks, I would meet intriguing individuals, figure out how to realize when trains were getting through the vibration and singing of the rails, and would be inundated in a world with a woods on one side and the Puget Sound and the other. This blend of backwoods and sea was charming, and caught my creative mind.

I composed numerous sonnets about this spot, and have been ceaselessly propelled by the environment there. Actually, my verse has grown to a great extent at Richmond Beach. No what other place have I composed such a large number of sonnets—aside from maybe on open vehicle. I began composing melodious and story verse around 11 years old, and have proceeded since. For as far back as hardly any years, I have been composing solely haiku. A great deal of my haiku is enlivened by the idea of Richmond Beach, how I identify with it profoundly, and by the individuals who used to involve that land—as I feel a unique association with Native Americans.

It appears that Richmond Beach is one of those spots that regardless of how awful you believe, you will leave feeling calmed and recharged. It resembles treatment just to stroll around, feel the ionic breeze of the Puget Sound, smell the ocean growth and dampness, hear the assortment of feathered creatures singing, tune in to the smashing of moderate waves, witness the boats and different vessels on the water, take in the Olympic mountains in the entirety of their brilliance, see individuals having fun on the sea shore, the whistle and trucking of a far off train, and feel the sand on the bottoms of your feet, merging into one another with each progression. It is an entire helpful bundle.

It will be difficult to ever overlook Richmond Beach. It is currently entwined in my verse, youth, otherworldly life, family life, sentimental recollections, and even the death of my dad, whose remains was spread there. In this way, at whatever point I visit Richmond Beach, these components rest in my brain and soul. There are different spots that mix my creative mind and supply me with wistful surges, yet Richmond Beach is at the highest priority on my rundown.




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